Edirol UA-20 Problem

Discussion about: tracktion.com


Any suggestions gratefully received ...

After several weeks pain free use, last night my the MIDI in/out of my UA-20 became disabled in Tracktion and despite my best efforts (unplugging, rebooting, reinstalling driver,reinstalling Tracktion etc) I could not get Tracktion to see the MIDI interface. The audio in/out works fine and bizarrely, the MIDI in/out works under another sequencer (Passport Mastertracks)

The Edirol web site suggests this may be a 10 device limit on USB under WinXP but I've had nowhere near this number of devices connected (2 in fact: the UA20 and my printer which isn't connected when im Tracktioneering) - presumably this would apply to my other sequencer in any case.


Lol (as in Laurence)



No takers then

I realize this may be off topic but I assure you all that my Midi interface works just fine - this is definitely a Tracktion issue - it worked and then it didn't. Where does Tracktion store details on audio midi devices - do I need to remove any offending data and let Tracktion refind my UA20 as just re-installing the UA20.

Please dont make me go back to Passport MasterTracks - I wont cope with multiple windows

Lol (as in Laurence)


lshea wrote:The Edirol web site suggests this may be a 10 device limit on USB under WinXP but I've had nowhere near this number of devices connected (2 in fact: the UA20 and my printer which isn't connected when im Tracktioneering) - presumably this would apply to my other sequencer in any case.
I had a similar problem with my UA-20, though, as you predicted, it affected MIDI in to all hosts, not just my main host.

Still, did you activate the Show Hidden Devices option when checking the USB and Sound controller device lists in the Device Manager panel? In my case, even though it normally showed only one device connected, once I activated the hidden devices, I found enough existing (but unconnected) instances of the UA-20 MIDI devices to set off XP's limit. I removed all of those, rebooted, and reinstalled the drivers, and my UA-20 has not troubled me since.

~ Plogue Bidule User ~


that's a relief - I'm just about to order one


Yes, as per the Edirol FAQs I deleted all instances of the driver including the hidden ones and reinstalled but to no avail.

Shureley it must be a problem with Tracktion if MIDI works with other apps?

I know Edirol warn of problems that may require rebooting if yr pc goes into hibernate (which I use regularly more fool me). Maybe Tracktion caches some device info which then fools it into thinking the device is disabled I don't know.

Help me Obi Wan Jules - you're our only hope

Lol (as in Laurence)



Even without midi it's the canines cojones - it's got a blue LED !!!


lshea wrote:Clueless

Even without midi it's the canines cojones - it's got a blue LED !!!
OK! Just searching for my wife's credit card... :wink:


OK, I now have a UA-20, and it works, and the blue LED IS nice (coordinates nicely with all the blue LED's on my laptop).


When the input is awitched to "mic" it buzzes and hums like a bastard at any vaguely useful input volumes (for a dynamic mic) and is thus unuseable :(

What can I do? Or is it interference from the laptop itself, in which case the answer is probably "nothing" :cry:


I had to return my UA-20. The buzz @ hum drove me crazy :bang: :bang: :bang:

Traded it for Omni Studio
Buzz be gone :D !

Save the receipt & don't back down. :evil: :evil: :evil:


Manfred wrote:I had to return my UA-20. The buzz @ hum drove me crazy :bang: :bang: :bang:

Traded it for Omni Studio
Buzz be gone :D !

Save the receipt & don't back down. :evil: :evil: :evil:
f**k :(


I had to return my UA-20. The buzz @ hum drove me crazy :bang: :bang: :bang:

Traded it for Omni Studio
Buzz be gone :D !

Save the receipt & don't back down. :evil: :evil: :evil:



Contributions from non-buzzy UA-20 owning laptop-using Tracktioneers welcome! :cry:




:cry: :cry: :cry:


had a UA20 for six months now - fine all-in-one package and the blue led matches the ones on my bx5's and uc16...

I use it with Cubase and Reason - both find the midi input/output fine - I don't believe the number of devices plugged in could have anyhting to do with it - mine has the uc16, ua20 and dongle plugged in wih no glitches as such...

so far it's crashed only once, and that was when I was doing something silly with it... and the whole thing blue-screened.. reboot, and all was fine.

even done some band recording with it - take laptop+soundcard to the rehearsal room and it worked perfectly.

I have a mic+pre running in as Line input, but haven't noticed any buzzes or major hums. The most annoying thing is the fact that it (digital) clips at ridiculously low volume levels. The headphones I plug in at the side for recording/monitoring purposes have to be on full volume to hear what I'm doing, since if I turn the input level up any more it'll start clipping. This is no better even with the pre-amp in front - just means more things to try and balance to get a workable volume level.

have to use serious normalisation or makeup gain to fix all audio :(

... but the latency is good, doesn't need to support any better sample rates either...

haven't used traktion so can't comment.


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