Phrase Name in Phrase Editor: Can it also contain folder name?

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Sometimes I want to see the folder name also with the phrase name in case I revisit project and directory structure is collapsed.
Is it possible to have phrase properties available that show the folder containing the phrase?
This would help particularly when different phrases have the same name.


I should think about it, but there is few problems with that design:
1) The folder structure may be pretty long, clustering the interface
2) The new phrases that were not being saved lacks any structure (easy to fix I think).
3) The original file may be moved to another location.

A better solution may be add the last know file structure to the tooltip, it should solve all these problems. If the file doesn't exist, then it won't show nothing. How does it sound?


squaredheads wrote:I should think about it, but there is few problems with that design:
1) The folder structure may be pretty long, clustering the interface
2) The new phrases that were not being saved lacks any structure (easy to fix I think).
3) The original file may be moved to another location.

A better solution may be add the last know file structure to the tooltip, it should solve all these problems. If the file doesn't exist, then it won't show nothing. How does it sound?
That sounds good unless it will take a lot of work to implement. I wouldn't call it a priority since the user can make a note of its location right away if it is important to him/her.
We don't want to clutter the interface with extra stuff that isn't necessary.
Last known file structure might be useful but also may not really be necessary.


I think it would be possible, I may do it in just one hour, but this is just a quick look. Nora has a big code and, it's very well programmed with zero spaghetti code although, it request some planning. I'll do my best, I never ignore a request :wink:


It is more of an idea than a request; I can function well without it; thanks for your continuing hard work and dedication.



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