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Request for videos for the next "LinnStrumentalists" compilation

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2015 7:09 pm
by Roger_Linn
Hi all,

I'm looking for skilled video performances for inclusion in future "The LinnStrumentalists" video compilations. Specially, I'm looking for skilled musical performances of either:

1) skilled expressive solos that use LinnStrument's 3 dimensions of control, or
2) skilled two-handed piano-style play.

Here's more information about what I'm looking for:

* Use minimal audio effects, so that the the skilled performance is clearly audible and not masked by the effects.
* No video effects please, just a clear, tight shot on LinnStrument and the player, or a tight shot on LinnStrument.
* If the performance includes other instruments, please insure that the LinnStrument performance is clearly audible and visible against the other instruments.
* I'll only use a 30 to 45 second portion, so try to include a particularly impressive section for this purpose.
* Mobile phone videos are fine. To avoid LED flickering in the video, keep the shutter open as long as possible, which will automatically happen if you reduce the light.

The goal is for the viewer to get the message that LinnStrument is a fine musical instrument chosen by skilled musicians.

If you have a video that has a different focus than the above, for example ambient music, sound control, tutorials, artsy effects videos, etc., that's also appreciated but please post those in your own topic on the forum for others to enjoy.


- Roger

As examples of the type of videos I'm looking for, here are the three "LinnStrumentalists" videos I've released so far:

"The LinnStrumentalists 3":
"The LinnStrumentalists 2"
"The LinnStrumentalists":

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 1:55 pm
by Ycros
I've made a few presets for u-he's Bazille synth which respond to Poly Pressure, CC1 on Y, and a +/- 24 Bend Range: ... gwU6a?dl=0

I've added brief descriptions of how the parameters are mapped inside each patch.

Recording some videos is on my TODO list, and hopefully I'll get around to it this weekend, probably showing off some of those sounds (and maybe others that I end up making).

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 10:47 pm
by Roger_Linn
Thanks, Ycros. I just tried loading them into Bazille and for some reason it doesn't recognize the files, even if I remove the ".txt" extension. Do you have any suggestions on how to make Bazille see them? I'm on Logic Pro X on mac but I'm dropping the file into the standard preset directories where the other ".h2p" files (which Bazille sees OK) are and are read fine.

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:05 pm
by Roger_Linn
Update: I got them to work on my mac by removing the .txt extension not only in the filename in the Finder, but also in each file's Get Info window. Very nice! I'll put them up on the Recommended Sound Generators page in the next few days. What's your real name so I can credit you on the page? If you wish to keep your anonymity on the forum, you can email me at Thanks much.

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Tue Aug 04, 2015 11:13 pm
by Ycros
Ah, I was just typing up a reply, it seems that safari adds .txt to them for some reason (my usual primary browser is Chrome which I tested the downloads in). You can get a .zip file of all of them from the Download menu on the top right of the page, which solves the problem.

My real name is Michael Kedzierski

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2015 6:26 pm
by Roger_Linn
Hi Michael,
I've just posted your patches to the Recommend Sound Generators page. I've also revised the page to provide more detail and to make it simpler to add submitted patches over time.

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Sat Aug 15, 2015 4:59 am
by spunkytoofers
Hello. Wasn't sure where to post this but this is a recommended generator post. I have pretty much been all hardware until just recently. My hardware setup for Linnstrument is a Mutable Instruments Ambika, which with a little setup works really well together under channel per note.

I was just demoing the Madrona Labs Aalto Demo Software since the Linnstrument and Aalto support mpe: i was looking at Geert's post on the mpe specification - multidimensional polyphonic expression. I just made a few basic tweaks from a basic default setup patch in Aalto: from y axis to timbre circuit in oscillator and pressure dedicated to filter and amp. A little of the built in reverb just to demo the demo. I haven't tried Kaivo yet and that is supposed to get a similar update like Aalto just did on the mpe specification. I can imagine that should sound pretty interesting when that update comes.

a video of demoing the demo version of Aalto:

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 2:04 am
by SonicTank
I've just noticed the following great video (not my):

Very inspiring!

As for Linnstrument unique features vs traditional MIDI keyboard: there are some slides, but not much else (as far as I noticed).

However musical proficiency is there, and most importantly it just shows someone having great fan noodling on Linnstrument. Most of the videos I've seen so far have been someone press a pad and listen to oscillators oscillate, then play another note, etc. This one is much different. :tu:

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:45 am
by Roger_Linn
Yes, it's a good one. I actually posted it yesterday to the LinnStrument Videos page, to the Owner Videos 3 tab. It was created by Moscow LinnStrument owner Roman Smirnov, who goes by the name RO-mix on this forum.

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2015 11:56 am
by SonicTank
Oh, found it now on your site. Sorry for the noise!

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Fri Nov 13, 2015 9:08 am
by allenwu
Hi Roger,

I made this video playing Chinese music. I found it perfect match for the need of Chinese music interpretation. Thanks for your work.

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2015 6:22 pm
by RobKastler
Hi Roger & all,

just upped my first two LS-movies. Being located in Austria, I chose a Zither-theme by Anton Karas.

I used my preferred LS-sound so far - 6 (MusicLab) RealStrats inside Plogue Bidule to enable poly-pitch-bends. Only X-axis is used, Y- and Z-controllers are disabled - quite expressive though I think. Response is great (check the "Escape" - video).
It's far from being perfect, but the best I'm able so far ...

When trying to record "Harry Slime ;-) Expanded", one unintended note just at the beginning catapulted me in a completely different universe ...

Best, Rob

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 3:07 am
by Roger_Linn
Hi Rob,
Thanks for posting this. Nice one! Keep 'em coming.

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 3:52 am
by shutterdownmax

Re: Call for LinnStrument videos and sound files

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:41 pm
by Roger_Linn
Thanks again, shutterdownmax. It's very nice to see the different and creative ways people use LinnStrument.