AKAI MPK mini MkII - Read this before you start with midiOut

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I've spent something like 24 hours on this.

In short: I don't know if it's just MY controller, or if it's a common problem, but don't even try to send it midi messages. They will just be ignored, despite the documentation reporting "The device can receive midi messages" (maybe they just mean the device won't explode if you dare sending it a CC).

I was trying to build some kind of feedback from BWS to the mkII, to switch the leds on and off, but I had no luck.
So forget about stuff like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztw-4VHIQaQ (btw that is the mpk mini old version)

What I've done until now:
- Wrote to akai customer service - no answer until now
- Wrote two posts here: http://community.akaipro.com/ - no answer until now
- Called Akai Germany. Answer was: "write a mail to kundenservice@alesis.com"
- Wrote a mail to kundenservice@alesis.com - no answer until now

... I'm open for suggestions.

UPDATE: I got an answer from technical support:http://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic ... 8#p5935994

Last edited by Trixtan on Thu Nov 13, 2014 12:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Last edited by thecontrolcentre on Wed Nov 12, 2014 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Don't have the MPKmini II yet but check out the MPKmini script -> flush() function in 1.1, I am able to send midi to the pads just fine.
A velocity of 0 is off and 127 is on.
A snippet:

Code: Select all

	if (armHasChanged)
		sendMidi(185, 28, isArmOn ? 127 : 0);
		armHasChanged = false;
sendMidi is a shortcut - check out the api scripts in the installation Bitwig Studio\resources\controllers\api folder to see what it's about.


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Hi Tom! thank you for your reply.
Yes I've seen the script. And I tried to send every kind of midi message to the mkII, but the thing just doesn't react.



Hm - would be silly if they removed that capability, I'll take a look when I find the time, I think we got one recently.


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UPDATE: I got a replay from AKAI, here it is:
Hi Enrico,

The MIDI Input refers to the Arp and Note Repeat functions. You will not be able to control the lights from your computer.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Best Regards,

Mike McMillen
Technical Support & Return Authorizations Specialist
It sound like the MkII was not designed for this :-(


Hardware manufacturers seem to get more silly by the minute.
More and more controllers seem to come out that impede the very thing they are about - controlling stuff and basically configure them to your hearts content.

Either they only work with a specific plugin or driver or they try to do things automagically for you but break everything else in the process or they rely on hidden USB ports using secret protocols or remove something as simple as sending a note back to make a light turn on or off... you name it.

And I don't have the slightest clue why they would do that. :shrug:



"Out beyond the ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I’ll meet you there." - Rumi
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