Problem importing Albino presets into Cubase/Mediabay

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Thought it was about time I got some better overview of the massive amount of presets I've got for Albino.. as Albino is still an awesome synth! So I set out to import all the fxp-files into Mediabay in Cubase 6.5, but it just doesn't work as expected. When I load a bank and switch between the presets within the bank, all presets are listed in the Cubase program list, and I can switch between sounds with that aswell, but if I use "Convert Program List to VST presets", it only imports the first sounds from the list and the duplicates the same sound to all the other imported presets... really strange.

I've not seen this kind of behaviour in a synth where the Program List is populated. And I would hate to go through each and every preset... that would just take forever.

Cubase 6.5, 64 bit, Win 7 64 bit.
Albino 3.2.1 (64 bit)

- Torben
music // twolegs // geometriae
sounddesign // twolegstoneworks


Hi Thorben,
yes, the "Convert Program List to VST presets" is not going to work for Albino, this cannot be fixed with reasonable amount of work as it requires much newer libraries on our side as used in Spectral or the updates MorphoX and Alpha, I'm sorry.


Hi Peter.

Ahh.. had hoped it would be easier to fix, but I fully understand.
music // twolegs // geometriae
sounddesign // twolegstoneworks


Go and buy Spectral, Torben, it's a awesome synth, i know, a lot of people are still working with Albino, but Spectral is a monster with a new fresh GUI and a very, Ve, VER, VERY nice sound...!

Voice, sample and factory content developer Particular-Sound / Facebook / Soundcloud


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