Tremor - prefered way to integrate into DAW projects?

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I have had my eye on Tremor since it was released, and finally own it. Listening to Simon Stockhausen's demos at Soundcloud really sealed it for me - they are amazing and really show the huge potential for creating fresh, unique rhythm tracks. I'm an old analog synthesist who has always wanted this sort of softsynth but was never really excited about what was out there until now. There are a lot of ways to work with Tremor due to its flexible design. For my first project, I have programmed some sequences in Tremor and trigger them with midi notes in my DAW. This has allowed me to fully utilize Tremor's very cool percussion sequencing tools like drag edit repeats. Next I think I'd like to try setting it up multitimbrally to trigger the 8 engines with my keyboard and record discrete midi tracks for each engine, though I haven't tried it yet and am not sure how to do it (the video tutorials don't have much about set up and DAW integration unfortunately).

Apparently there's no way to record then export longer midi phrases (including probability), as I am used to doing with Stylus RMX.

I would really appreciate any advice as to how Tremor has worked well for you in the DAW production of longer, complex pieces. What is your favorite way to work with Tremor?

Thanks in advance! :)


Gonga wrote:
I would really appreciate any advice as to how Tremor has worked well for you in the DAW production of longer, complex pieces. What is your favorite way to work with Tremor?

Thanks in advance! :)
I liked Tremor. When purchased I wasn't sure why having a load of other drum style machines (Maschine, Reason, Battery, Groovebox, etc) and samples etc. However, whilst it does perform as a drum machine it is in fairness more of a drum synth.

I find I use it more form percussion and rhytmic purposed to provide dynamics to the main beat. So I dont tend to use it for Kicks and hits. I like the way you can change the loop length of each part which is useful for creating less repetitive bars and patterns.

It's well worth the money imho and yes Simon spends an extraordinary amount of time creating demos and sounds etc.


So you use it for embellishment percussion so to speak? Interesting. Thanks :)

Yeah, I love polyrhythms, so that's one of the things that attracted me to it.

I'm a bit bummed there aren't more users on the forum, but it is a relative newcomer.

Simon's stuff is amazing. I would love to know what his workflow was with his demos.


I think Tremor is huge for tuned sub kicks, also for punchy sub kicks without a distinct pitch and great for all sorts of glitchy temposynced textures. But also the snares and percussion can sound very organic, the rolls you can create are really musical - in fact Tremor is a whole production studio on it's own if you take the time to get into the Graph editing and instrument design.

I often use it in normal sync mode where the beginning of your DAW-project and it's time signature determines the position of Tremor's playhead and then change patterns using key changes often recorded on the fly and later edited to find the exact positions for pattern changes. This is cool because you can use the first half of one pattern and then change to another pattern in the second half of the cycle.
Then sometimes I use it in Retrigger mode so that Tremor will only play when a sustained Midi note triggers a certain pattern. As I dig Tremor's sequencer I hardly ever record the Midi notes in Logic to only trigger Tremor's instruments, only sometimes for doubling samples which already have Midi tracks assigned to them.
The Multi Outs get heavy use here, adding different temposynced FX to each instrument often leads to very interesting textures, then often automating mutes and send knobs of each channel/instrument to create variations and breaks.
Last edited by Sampleconstruct on Mon Jun 25, 2012 8:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Gonga wrote:So you use it for embellishment percussion so to speak? Interesting. Thanks :)

Yeah, I love polyrhythms, so that's one of the things that attracted me to it.

I'm a bit bummed there aren't more users on the forum, but it is a relative newcomer.

Simon's stuff is amazing. I would love to know what his workflow was with his demos.
Thank's a lot Gonga, I hope the post above sheds some light on how I use Tremor.


That was very kind of you to provide that all info Simon, thank you very much! I will be giving a lot of thought to your post. It gives me a lot to chew on as I dive in and enjoy this fantastic musical "toy!" :)


Gonga wrote:That was very kind of you to provide that all info Simon, thank you very much! I will be giving a lot of thought to your post. It gives me a lot to chew on as I dive in and enjoy this fantastic musical "toy!" :)
Also try assigning a single Graph to several paramaters/instruments of the same Kit. So the Graph could e.g. control the pre-distortion on the kick, the pitch of the tom, the reverb filter cutoff of something else. Then give the Graph an odd length (e.g. 28 steps) with a pattern running at 32 steps. Or let the Graph run in half time and an odd length to create every changing texures. Running different instruments at different sequencer speeds/resolutions is one of the outstanding features of Tremor.
Graphs are also great for FX control, delay sends, the triggering of the Granular Looper and what have you.

I could write pages about Tremor :)


Sampleconstruct wrote: Also try assigning a single Graph to several paramaters/instruments of the same Kit. So the Graph could e.g. control the pre-distortion on the kick, the pitch of the tom, the reverb filter cutoff of something else. Then give the Graph an odd length (e.g. 28 steps) with a pattern running at 32 steps. Or let the Graph run in half time and an odd length to create every changing texures. Running different instruments at different sequencer speeds/resolutions is one of the outstanding features of Tremor.
Graphs are also great for FX control, delay sends, the triggering of the Granular Looper and what have you.

I could write pages about Tremor :)
Please do!!

I think Tremor is pretty nice to dial sounds into. My biggest tip would be to not over compress with the built in compressor to increase the 'punch'.

Great tip about using a graph of a different length to the pattern - that's given a bunch of ideas immediately that I hadn't considered.

I'm with you that Tremor can create really thunderous and deep kicks. I don't love it quite so much with snares, but odd percussion etc it's fantastic.

I can see two awesome extensions that FXPansion could give this:
1. A sample play back module, where you can use the envelopes and FX
2. I'd love to see a couple of additional synth modules to choose from.

Don't get me wrong, I love the drum synth as is, but would love a couple of simpler modules for say BD/Toms, and/or different types of sound


_leras wrote:
I can see two awesome extensions that FXPansion could give this:
1. A sample play back module, where you can use the envelopes and FX
2. I'd love to see a couple of additional synth modules to choose from.

Don't get me wrong, I love the drum synth as is, but would love a couple of simpler modules for say BD/Toms, and/or different types of sound
I don't think No. 1 is going to happen, that would make it too much like Geist, Angus posted it some time ago on the FXpansion forum I think.
Speaking of "some time ago", Tremor has been out for over 6 months now and there has not been a single update which is extremely strange for a "new" product. Wassup, guys!!!


Might as well add some Tremor showcasing to this thread - all demos are 100% Tremor, nothing else: ... ns-tremor/ ... mor-beatz/


I know that the sequencer is one of Tremors biggest strengths but it's also always interesting to trigger drum synths with external sequencers.

I don't have Tremor but I use this technique a lot with my own Reaktor ensembles , Microtonic and Poise.

I really like this one for example: ... encer-vst/
Audio Damage Axon can also be used as a sequencer: ... ?pid=AD026
And this is a really cool Reaktor ensemble for this kind of stuff: ... chid=10627



Again, thanks to everyone for the responses.

In the distant past (70s and 80s), I used my mono synth for a "click track" and for percussion I always played acoustic instruments. Then in the late 90s with my new DAW setup I first started by playing everything in on my keyboard, and more recently have been using REX loops in Stylus RMX. But now I'm very excited about what for me is a very new direction with Tremor's complex sequences. I also still plan to play a lot of stuff in with the keys though. I also like intimate, loose and dynamic percussion, tempos and sounds.

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