StrumMaker III problem

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I'm having a problem with my just installed SM-III.

I'm using Nuendo 4 - Kontakt 4

I put my 4 chord progression into my midi editor (just 1 note, not a full chord) but SM randomly stops at the beginning of beat 1 of the SM sequencer. It can only play a round of about 2 or 3 notes before glitching. I've got no mutes in the sequencer so it's not that, i've put sustain on full in the midi editor but that doesn't help either. The midi notes don't overlap.

The pattern works fine when i first load Kontakt but as i soon as i edit the SM sequencer i get the stops. Also just noticed that it won't save my own patterns in the user section!

I've got plenty of RAM etc...

Any ideas?



Make sure that there is a bit of a gap between midi notes, since the release of the previous sustains that are built into the Strum Sequencer can cut off the first notes of the new chord if they are too close. Just experiment with the amount of gap between the notes until it sounds right with the tempo you are using. The user memory seems to be working fine on my system. Please contact me directly by email if you are still having problems.

Email is always best for these kinds of issues, since I do check my email all day, whereas I only check the forums in the evenings (usually).



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