More samples for Blofeld available

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Dear friends and customers,

now available: The new Waldorf Blofeld Wellenformen #2 and the new Attack Samples.

The new Wellenformen #2 is a collection that offers multisampled waveforms designed with vintage analog and contemporary digital synthesizers: Minimoog, DX7, Andromeda, Korg Mono/Poly and many more. Over 40 multisamples for all kinds of synthesizer sounds.

Attack Samples: More than 250 attack samples, this is that element for your new Blofeld sound. The human ear identifies a sound already in the very first moment - the attack phase. For this purpose the new Attack Samples is the best resource for advanced musicians who are creating their own sounds.

For all Blofeld sample libraries: System requirement Desktop version License SL, the keyboard version can load them right away. You need the free downloadable Spectre software though.

Product page and ordering:

Best regards

-Sound Research & Development-


Update info:

We have a Blofeld Sample Libraries PDF now. It is a listing of the entire sample content of all three Blofeld Sample Libraries. You can download or stream it here:

Blofeld Sample Libraries

Best regards

-Sound Research & Development-


Dear Blofeld users,

we are very happy about the high interest in our new Blofeld sample libraries and I already got several messages from a huge user group and individual musicians who are happily using the Blofeld.

Obviously there are several questions and I will answer them at this central place here to make them public for everybody who is interested in this issues.

Q: What is the origin of the waveforms and attack samples?

A: We are developing samples since 1993 and released a long list of sample libraries since then. First I did a concept for the planned Blofeld sample libraries and checked our archive for appropriate candidates. Interesting waves are developed with analog and digital synths like Korg PS3200, Minimoog, DX7, DW8000 and many others. I also recruited multisamples from acoustic and electric instruments like Brass, Electric Piano as well as Ethnic Instruments. The so called Attack Samples are percussive, blow, pluck and bow elements - perfect for intense initial impression when playing (and listening) a sound. The entire list of the current sample libraries can be viewed in the above posting mentioned PDF which can be streamed and downloaded.

Q: What about mp3?

A: Currently I am recording audio tracks to demonstrate the sample libraries. As soon as this is done the mp3s will be available on the product page.

Q: There are just samples, no Presets, right?

A: Yes, this is correct. The use of samples is very easy: Just take one existing Preset, replace the current waveform/sample with one from our libraries, adjust the parameters as you wish, rename the Preset and save it - done.

Q: Are you planning more stuff for Blofeld?

A: Yes, there are plans.

If someone needs to know more informations then feel free to ask here.

Best regards

-Sound Research & Development-


Update info:

2 new Blofeld sample libraries released.


a collection with breathy voices, classical male tenor modulations, vocoder speech, computer voices, toons, exotic phrases and more.


with sounds from the underworld. Mystic and spheric long scenes with evolving moments. This could be the home of Blofeld himself.

More details on the product page

Best regards

-Sound Research & Development-


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