u-he stuff not in KVR database

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I'm still trying to work out exactly what Uhbik is (haven't got round to the demo yet) so looked it up but it's not been added to the database yet.

Then I noticed that neither are:

Triple Cheese
Zebra CM or,


uhbik is a collection of effect plugins, all of which are designed to work in anywhere from mono to surround.

The present beta/pre-release includes a delay, a flanger(/chorus/vibrato), a filter(/distortion), a reverb, an EQ, a phaser, a tremelo(/trancegate), and a frequency shifter.

The first full release will also include Uhbik-X, which will be a multi-effect containing 4 uhbiks which can be arranged in serial, parallel, multiband, etc. with additional modulators that you may assign.

Apparently there are more effects planned for the future, such as uhbik-G (granular madness, pitch shifting, etc.), uhbik-L (a leveling amplifier/compressor), and uhbik-R (a rotary type modulation effect) but no idea when those are coming.


aMUSEd wrote:I'm still trying to work out exactly what Uhbik is (haven't got round to the demo yet) so looked it up but it's not been added to the database yet.

Then I noticed that neither are:

Triple Cheese
Zebra CM or,

the same for More Feedback Machine v1.0, the one sascha from digitalfishphones ported to pc.


Well it has MFM so I just assumed it covered all versions (same for Zebra)


Don't forget the rumor of a Uhbik-Z, a highly optimized plugin that produces pure silence, with multiple silence modulation routing capabilities. For those demanding the highest quality silence there will be Uhbik-Z+, which comes with an additional bank of 1 patch.



aMUSEd wrote:I'm still trying to work out exactly what Uhbik is (haven't got round to the demo yet) so looked it up but it's not been added to the database yet.

Then I noticed that neither are:

Triple Cheese
Zebra CM or,
podolski was only available in a german keys mag...

zebra cm is from cm mag

maybe thats why?

dunno why the other two arent, maybe he just forgot...

none of my stuff is in there, mainly cos its crap and i couldnt be arsed to submit it :hihi:


it's odd that triple cheese isn't in the database considering it won a KVR dev challenge :P


Yes that's what I was thinking.

The 2 mini Zebras should be in too


Podolski also comes built-in to Melodyne Studio and Cre8 to provide transposition feedback.

Kind regards.
Dave Bourke
- ideation -


That's probably due to licence agreements for these products.
They have Mag Ware agreements, so maybe thats why their not on the u-he website. Triple Cheese? Maybe that's got some KVR dev challenge agreement.


billstei wrote:Don't forget the rumor of a Uhbik-Z, a highly optimized plugin that produces pure silence, with multiple silence modulation routing capabilities. For those demanding the highest quality silence there will be Uhbik-Z+, which comes with an additional bank of 1 patch. Bill
I'm pretty sure Urs can make Uhbik-Z better than the competition:

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