Cantabile 2 - Idea "Global FXP bank"

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It just came to my mind how Cantabile could add even simpler VSTi use...

Maybe some know the "Wusik_VM" plugin. What it does is it loads the proper VST just by loading ANY VST fxp file when needed.

It would be cool to have a global bank in Cantabile where you can put any fxp and Cantabile would load (or reload when needed) the proper VSTi just by loading the fxp - i.e. simply any "sound" - from a global bank into any VST slot.

So creating rack layouts could be simpler, focussing just on the audio and midi flow and less on the used plugins.

What do others here think? Opinions welcome" :D
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Hi TiUser,

Recalling the configured VST via FXP directly,
instead of loading the VST and browsing though its preset menu.

Yes, that sounds like a direct approach with much faster access
and more time for fun :hihi:

"There's a certain detail seen here."



Try Wusik_VM and you'll get the first part already... I think an internal solution would be better, I don't like to load Wusik_VM in all slots to get this cool automatic behaviour.

BTW, Wusik_VM has some more cool features too... for instance it can be used to create single fxp files from a bank fxb of a certain plugin... a real time saver! :D
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


So how would this be different to the Presets folder in the plugin selector?

In case you're unaware, in Options -> VST Settings there's an option "Presets and Banks Folder". Any fxb/fxp you save to this folder (including sub-folders) will automatically appear in the plugin selector's "Presets" category.

I think all I need to do is make it easier to add a bank/preset to the presets folder (which is already on my long list of things to fix up).



bradr wrote:So how would this be different to the Presets folder in the plugin selector?...<snip>...I think all I need to do is make it easier to add a bank/preset to the presets folder (which is already on my long list of things to fix up).
I admit, that's basically what I am about... I wasn't aware of this feature.

I agree, the folder should be simpler to navigate when saving a vst bank or preset from the vst window... that would do.

:roll: stupid ideas are never clever... :oops:
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Caught red-handed here...
completely overlooked the presets folder :roll:
I liked the browsing in Cantabile 1.2 more than clicking through folders now.

But how do I make use of this feature?
Is there a special command (preferable) I have overlooked as well
or do I have to save the presets in a special folder?

"There's a certain detail seen here."



You just have to save a FXP file in this preset folder for instance from the plugins window... The point is accessing this folder is not obvious, you have to dig for it...

...and that's what Brad seems to rework.

Once you have saved FXP (or FXB) in that folder it will show up in the selector menu as well!

But Wusik_VM can be still helpful to split soundbanks (FXB) into single sounds (FXP) in one step (a pain to do that manually...) pick up and move the ones you like to use from this folder...

Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Pling :!:

You've got to save the fxp in the "My Cantabile Files" folder under "My Documents"...

And now I realise there's a setting in Cantabile's options menu!

Well, you're right, that's not pretty obvious when you're looking for it
the first time. I was convinced there had to be a special command-

and to even make it a little bit more confusing:
the default option "default to plugin folder for saving presets"
isn't helpful in this matter either.

I have deselected it and hoped, after restarting, Cantabile would point me to the "My Cantabile Files" folder- but it did not. It had no effect.

Is this a bug?

"There's a certain detail seen here."


Let's wait, Brad will clean it up... he already said:
"I think all I need to do is make it easier to add a bank/preset to the presets folder (which is already on my long list of things to fix up). "
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Build 2006 (available now) has a new command in the plugin slot's Tools menu "Save Plugin Selector Preset" which displays a dialog prompting for a name and sub-folder and saves the bank/preset to the appropriate folder for the plugin selector to pick it up.



It's a fantastic feature, thank you.

"There's a certain detail seen here."


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