Beta 2005 - speed slider and loop mode in media files player



Hi Brad,

is the speed control within the media files player not implemented yet?

And I still can't get my wave files to loop at file length :-(
Edit: no, mp3s won't loop either...

"There's a certain detail seen here."


Debby747 wrote:is the speed control within the media files player not implemented yet?
Nope not implemented.
And I still can't get my wave files to loop at file length :-(
OK, I'll take a closer look.



Speed slider works for Midifiles...

It does not yet for audio files. No clue if that is intended to be done at all.
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


You are right, pitch-shifting or speed-changing for audio should be of really good quality.
No, you didn't say that :D

But now that I think of it, it might be a midi only feature and I am fine with that.

"There's a certain detail seen here."


Well, audio pitch and speed shift are delicate (grain based) operations and most products include licensed libs for that rather then re-writing that.

But who knows? Brad has done some other stunning things, maybe we see this feature some time in Cantabile too...
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Debby747 wrote:You are right, pitch-shifting or speed-changing for audio should be of really good quality.
Cantabile already has a high quality sample converter which it uses for resampling audio files that don't match the sample rate of your audio driver. There's also a quality setting for it at the bottom of the audio engine setting page.

I think I just need to hook up the speed slider to adjust the resample rate to make it work.


Hi Brad.

I am not sure what you mean here... as far as I understand resampling has nothing to do with the earlier question...

It is about shifting audio pitch withut affecting speed or affecting audio speed without affecting pitch.

I think this is different from what you describe.
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


TiUser wrote: It is about shifting audio pitch withut affecting speed or affecting audio speed without affecting pitch.
Right, I never intended the audio speed slider to pitch/time shifting... it was only ever supposed to speed up/slow down the audio file playback (complete with chipmonk effects). You're right pitch and time shifting is a difficult problem, and not one which I believe Cantabile needs to solve.


bradr wrote:... it was only ever supposed to speed up/slow down the audio file playback (complete with chipmonk effects).
I am still confused... doesn't this still mean manipulating speed without affecting pitch?

Anyway, both functions would be useful (backings or practise purposes) but maybe you can embed libs doing this or recommend plugins?...

What do you mean by "chipomonk" effects?...
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


TiUser wrote:
bradr wrote:... it was only ever supposed to speed up/slow down the audio file playback (complete with chipmonk effects).
I am still confused... doesn't this still mean manipulating speed without affecting pitch?

Anyway, both functions would be useful (backings or practise purposes) but maybe you can embed libs doing this or recommend plugins?...

What do you mean by "chipomonk" effects?...
I've had a quick look for suitable time/pitch shift libraries but not found anything suitable as yet... and haven't persued it. My understanding is that msot libraries that do this reasonably take a lot of cpu - enough to not make it suitable for real-time use.... but that could be out of date information.

By chipmonk I mean speeding up audio also increasing pitch. In otherwords, if I do hook up the speed slider it will work exactly like speeding up a tape machine.



I guess you might be right with your suspicion of high cpu load on good algorithms for time stretching and pitch shifting...

I agree that's no good idea turning Cantabile into a cpu hog by overfeaturing it with such things...

Well, the use of the other chipmonk "mickey mouse" speedup is something I can not really rate... :-o
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Debby747 wrote:And I still can't get my wave files to loop at file length :-(
Edit: no, mp3s won't loop either...
Are you sure? It works fine for me with both mp3 and wav files. You do have loop mode turned on don't you. Anyone else seeing this?


I've checked this out in brief...

WAV definitely does not loop on file level in my beta 2005 either.

MP3 seems to loop ok so far but I always get a message when I load MP3 that there are some restrictions and unsopported features for playback... but normal playback seems to work anyway.

I remeber a UI problem with the loop button state, maybe it's something simple stupid behind?
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


Hello Brad,
it confuses me sometimes that buttons stay illuminated although the function behind is turned off.
But I can live with it, and concerning the loop play button-
it is really "on" (the tool menu says so).

I've noticed all mp3s I had tested were VBR, but I just tried some with constant bitrate and it doesn't help.
At least not without specifically setting a play range-
and I usually don't want to do that...

To make it clear: looping works with play range set.
Looping a file without play range doesn't.

Is there any kind of log data I can provide?

"There's a certain detail seen here."


Debby747 wrote:Hello Brad,
it confuses me sometimes that buttons stay illuminated although the function behind is turned off.
But I can live with it, and concerning the loop play button-
it is really "on" (the tool menu says so)...
I've reported this a time ago... It is basically a colour schema problem too.

If you look closer you will note a slightly darker orange on the depressed buttons and a slightly lighter one the one just focussed when you're navigate by the arrow keys...

I agree that the colour scheme should be better here so one can clearly see what's going on...
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


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