field doesn't work



i've got a pb using field.
I use Cubase SX 3, & have installed all tweakbench VSTi, they all works great (thanks...) but not Field.
When installed, he appears in my VST instrument but not in the list of synth & midi connection.
I can't select it on my midi track..
What can i do for this ?


Field does not take any midi signal as a trigger. Once added to the track, just hit play/rec and it will being with the song, then record slider motions or add automations. The next incarnation of Field will behave more like a normal VSTi and not a hand-off generator.


Besides recording, Is there a way to start/stop Field?

How can we add our own field recordings to the plug? I have hours of enviromental recordings to share.
And the beat goes on...


That's currently not possible.
If you already have a lot of your own, then why wouldn't you just drop that audio into a track in your tunes?


Mister Gibson wrote:recordings to share.



I'm currently in the process of designing Field 2.0, with the original creator of the 1.0 recordings (Shawn Hatfield of Audibleoddities). So, I probably won't be rolling in any other submissions into the instrument. Field is kinda a collaboration between him & i. As far as adding your own to it once it's released, that remains to be seen.. We'll see what functionality it has as the plugin evolves.. we know right now that it's aiming to have beds of sound as it currently does, but also have trigering of shorter sounds as well.


tweakbench wrote:...but also have trigering of shorter sounds as well.

That sounds great. Will we be able to trigger longer sounds as well?

Have you considered including an adjustable timing/sync/stretch feature and midi playability?

Another wish is for seperate output of each sound along with importing.


Mister Gibson wrote:
Mister Gibson wrote:recordings to share.

kvr torrent?



tweakbench wrote:Oh!

I'm currently in the process of designing Field 2.0, with the original creator of the 1.0 recordings (Shawn Hatfield of Audibleoddities).
Wow! A plugin of you & twerk is def something worth waiting for :love:
(Oh, and please ask him to make a pc version of his burntoast VSTi... ahem... just kidding :D)


vurt wrote:
Mister Gibson wrote:
Mister Gibson wrote:recordings to share.

kvr torrent?

I don't know what that is/means but I think it would be great if we could load our own sounds into Field so we can post and share presets.


i understand your request, but what i'm saying is this:

if you already have a bunch of samples, and you want to just add them to your songs, why wouldn't you just use a generic sample player? what does field add to the process, besides coming with 10 field recordings?

and if you want to share & trade field recordings with others, there are already lots of places to do that.

field was designed to give users who DON'T think of field recordings as a musical element, to do just that. once you understand that concept, i think there are far more effective ways to weave ambience into your tracks than using 10 precanned sounds on a simple mixer :D


And yet I had great fun automating the hell out of Field for recent my demo song. 8)


tweakbench wrote:if you already have a bunch of samples, and you want to just add them to your songs, why wouldn't you just use a generic sample player?
Been there, still doing that. Field would make it faster and simple to control.

If its a SynthEdit creation, can't you just add the functionality and let us determine the sounds we should use?

I can't be the only one that would pay for a 'pro' version.


Mister Gibson wrote:If its a SynthEdit creation, can't you just add the functionality and let us determine the sounds we should use?
First off, the samples aren't just normal wavs, they're embedded with some looping and fading points to help make them seamless. Secondly, if Field just becomes a plugin that you load up, and fill with you own sounds, then it's just another sample player, and not really an instrument of my creation.

Field is easy to control BECAUSE its based on 10 locked samples. Where I know very specific information about the levels, length, and content of each sample. Each one is tuned to carry the same weight as the next, even thought they have different content. How could I keep it that simple if box 1 had a screaming monkey with a bad zero-x cut a the end, and box 2 had a too-quiet sample of a pad. That makes the instrument need to be much smarter out of the box, and also much more 'generic'. Neither of which are something i'd like it to be.


Sorry i'm being so adamant about this, but i've already thought about doing all these things with Field, and each time it just ends up becoming a very vanilla sample player that loses almost all of its charm and simplicity.


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