Live 5 audio problem

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Posted this on ableton, emailed cs but thought maybe someone here could help.

System: Athlon XP 2600, 1GB ram, 2 - 7200 rpm hard drives, onboard nvidia, mbox 2, toneport. XP Pro SP2, Pro Tools LE 7, Live 5.0.2, Tracktion 2, Cubase SE, Reason 3.x (yeah, too many hosts ;-))

Anyway, haven't really gotten into PT yet and I'm not currently rewiring anything. I mostly use Tracktion and Live and really prefer Live.

I recently did a reformat and re-install while upgrading to SP2. Since that, Live now gives me a "tremelo" effect on all audio files. It's mild but really annoying. It's also giving me cut-outs on midi tracks which it never did before.

I've tried it with the onboard sound with it's asio drivers and the mbox with new digi asio drivers and get the same effect. Same files sound fine in Tracktion.

I'm a virtual newbie to all of this and I'm sure there's probably some setting somewhere I've missed since this all worked fine before the reformat/update.

Any clues? Ferris, anyone, Ferris :?:
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