Pashkuli: PMN (Plain Music Notation)

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.
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Pashkuli wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:42 pm
vurt wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:04 pm trapped in a man made prison, called progress, scorched in their own inheritance, in a hand me down hiroshima, burning, burning
and who is going to profit
when the watch has stopped for good?
this is actually a really good text for a song!

yup, the porcupine tree thought so too :hihi:


it's a comment on progress through, it's often for the sake of progress and not necessity.


Hink wrote: Thu Jan 27, 2022 7:26 pm Obviously you don't care what people have to say because you refuse to listen.
The backlash over that has appeared in many threads, it's getting old.
Quite the contrary. I tried to answer any questions or concerns about PMN.
Of course I am aware it can not be tested to see how "it feels". That is why I am striving towards a JavaScript basic version (ultimately to be able to translate\transcribe from MIDI files).

Well, if internet forums are not the right medium to share ideas, opinions etc. right on or somehow related to the topic, then surely it is not newspapers nor magazines.
It is not my goal to make anyone "like" PMN or give me thumbs up, follow me on social media accounts. I aim much further in time.

Also, I have the right of being wrong. Maybe that is the reason for the backlash.
But honestly arguing with people over the Internet is the utmost epitome of unproductivity.

I understand that I may not be able to read standard music and have misplaced or picked the wrong note when trying to de-cypher the accidentals, then reproduce it as MIDI or in notation sofwtare.

I have MuseScore, Notion 6 and Overture 5 as score editors. They do not talk to each other, except via a format called MusicXML. And it is a nightmare trying to export\import it from one to another.
They have their own native format of score notation. Certainly I am not willing to pay a few hundreds pounds for big names such as Sibelius, Finale, Dorico, regardless of whether they have interchangeable file formats or not.
Another frustration more, which is not in favour of standard notation.


I said...Presenting PMN is the goal of the thread...great, accomplished.
The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another's world. It requires profound, purpose‐larger‐than‐the‐self kind of understanding.


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