New MPE synths...

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Has anyone been using the dreadbox nymphes in MPE mode? I understand it's a fairly basic affair but wondered if it were possible to route pressure to volume or env sustain to get the control volume via pressure thing going on that I like?


A while ago I considered trading my NF-1m for the nymphes.

From the v2 manual, it says
List of Polyphonic Modulation Targets:
The following targets have a polyphonic response and they can be used with an MPE or a polyphonic aftertouch responsive keyboard:
I wonder though if one of those targets can then modulate the volume on board?

The nymphes looks and sounds so cool, and analog is a big pro for me, but in the end I felt like it was too limited compared to the NF-1m. If I could afford the mental and physical space and $$ for a lot of small synths I would go for it.


I was looking at Nymphes as well -- I love the overall ethos and the sounds I've heard are very rich -- but like a lot of other synths I've looked at the modulation options did look pretty basic, and while the above _seems_ to give a lot more to work with than many, especially since you can modulate from different sources with different multipliers but as I look at it closer, I'm not so sure...

To extrapolate, I'm learning that while volume seems like the obvious target for level/z-axis, LP filter cutoff often works better. As Roger has pointed out that's because it controls the spectrum of sound, not just the absolute gain, and that is closer to what actual instruments do. Subjectively, it just often sounds better in my experience. So that leaves cutoff out for timbre, and anyway even though many synths seem to want to use that for y-axis (perhaps because that's what mod wheels are often tied to) often that doesn't work that well as spectrum / harmonics aren't really that analagous to acoustic timbre changes. For many synths that doesn't really leave a lot left to manipulate. To get concrete in above, it might be really nice to modulate wave shape for Nymphes, but that doesn't seem to be one of the options. And LFO isn't really that great either since the obvious things to do like vibrato and tremelo can be done directly anyway.


Thanks for the input folks - I'm hoping that env1/2 sustain mod will get me where I (often) want... I've one coming so will let you know how I get on - I'm expecting simple but good sounding, but have no idea whether it will be a keeper or not without messing.

I have an nf1m too by the way - I can't see it replacing that but hope it offers a nice retro-ey sounding analogue alternative.

Oh, and I also wondered about that osc shaping control and hope that I can get that via cc, though that will limit what else I can hit with that assignment. I expect to be happy with the sound but frustrated by the limitations, so just hope I'm really happy with the sound.


I just checked two CLAP plugins in Bitwig, Apricot and Fluctus both work out of the box expressively:
No need to set MPE, its like a native Bitwig instrument with all those per voice modulations...


Hold on to your wallets folks, I just saw the hardware Synclavier Regen is coming with MPE.
The good thing is it's significantly cheaper than the original hardware.

Thanks goodness I have no hardware budget, it would be tempting.


A fine synth engine, but a horrible interface and outlandish price for what it is.

Sufficed to say, my wallet will stay safely stowed. :wink:



So early days with the nymphes are better that I expected - been dreading the interface but if you can figure out getting it into MPE mode (which is global - was worried it wasn't going to be) then you're set.

Sounds great, albeit in a more background noise through the headphone amp than I'd like type way (probably charger in fairness), and not as difficult as I expected to get the modulation settings going for MPE. It's got a simple/pleasing 'old' sound going on, which I'd hoped would be as good irl as in the demos - it is.

There might be some quirks though - 12 note bend range and think modulation might be positive only (ie increasing), though there may be something hidden away.

I'm yet to truly figure out the range of/response to modulations too, though I had a fun hour or so with it earlier where I got what I was hoping for. Saving is annoying though - I expect I'll lose a fair bit of patching before I get it locked in.

I'll update more when I've gone a little deeper, but first impressions are it's a nice poly and the MPE implementation is ok.


There’s still a week left on the Aodyo Anyma Omega Kickstarter, if that’s your thing.

Aodyo proved themselves with the somewhat underpowered Anyma Phi: USB Host, multi-paradigm including physical modeling, nice editor, but only monophonic and with a rather limited user panel.

They’re back with the Anyma Omega: like the Phy but 16 voices, MPE, much better display and panel, and there’s also going to be a keyboard version. The desktop one looks like a very nice companion for the Linnstrument. Worth a look. ... ynthesizer
Nicola 'teknico' Larosa


Wow, the desktop looks like a very good value at the Kickstarter price. Luckily for my GAS it's too big for me :).

I have a feeling we're going to see several synths like this come out in the next 1-2 years. Just a hunch.


Another little update on the nymphes... It works well enough but it's about of a pita to figure out what's doing what when things aren't responding as you'd expect - the lfo implementation is somewhat obtuse at times. That said it does sound good, if a little noisy - jury's out.


Tj Shredder wrote: Mon Nov 28, 2022 8:34 pm I just checked two CLAP plugins in Bitwig, Apricot and Fluctus both work out of the box expressively:
No need to set MPE, its like a native Bitwig instrument with all those per voice modulations...
Unfortunately I've tried them out in REAPER and I can't seem to get them to work in MPE mode since REAPER is still not fully CLAP compliant. Too bad I'm still in Bitwig 3, I like REAER so much I've never bothered to upgradeby Bitwig license to the newer CLAP-compliant versions.



Would it be worth curating a list available at a link? I've been trying to work out what MPE synths are available on iOS and though there's a wiki page I think it's a little out of date.

I'm thinking trying to follow a thread on here is dandy but a wiki is quicker...

Roger_Linn wrote: Fri Oct 04, 2019 1:02 am Hi TJ,
Thanks-- I've added it to the Recommended Sounds page, and I've made this topic sticky.


Hi Equiton,

There's a long list of MPE-compatible synths on my Recommended Sounds page, accessed from the LinnStrument Support page. On that page, scroll down to "A list of current MPE-compatible synths".

However, notice the text at the start of that section:

"NOTE: As of July 1, 2022, I (Roger) have stopped updating this list. The reason is that while this list was helpful in earlier years when there were few MPE synths, there are now so many now MPE synths that it's difficult to keep up with all the MPE announcements. So it's easier now to simply visit a synth's product page to learn if it has MPE compatibility.


Hi Everyone
The topic is a little old but I just wanted to ask how to make the Waldorf Iridium patches MPE. I couldn't make the Z pressure axis with my LinnStrument. Both units are set up as MPE but I cannot seem use Z effectively. When I assign main volume to Z, it is very jumpy.
Could someone help me? Any help or you can direct me to a source? I'm a newbie with hardware synths. Been using my Linnstrument with MPE soft synths for a long time but haven't been able to use it with Iridium Desktop with full functionality, namely the Z pressure axis

Thank you very much

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