Which plugins do you want to see redesigned?

VST, AU, AAX, CLAP, etc. Plugin Virtual Instruments Discussion


Funky40 wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:05 pm Rhizomatic - Plasmonic !!

God, yes!


It reminds me of Abakos. Remember that?


Lotuz2019 wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:05 pm How about Echoes by Nomad Factory? I actually quite like the gui except for the way too modern looking font of ECHOES and ANALOG ECHO BOX.


Never mind. They have just released v3:



wayford wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 11:02 am Hi! I'm wayford and I create skins for various plugins. I'm currently starting to work on a new Serum skin and today have finished my little Soundtoys Modernisation pack (mostly updates resolution, some knobs, fonts, etc).

What plugins would you want to see new skins for? I have done some work on Waves stuff, but most people do not seem to use Waves that often now. So, I'm left wondering, what plugins need a UI update?
Definitely definitely all Rob Papen....

Everybody loves Rob Papen synths except for their UI.


Voxengo stuff. Not drastically, but a little facelift would be a good thing.


Never going to happen but
Reaktor , vector gui for everything , knobs , sliders , numeric adjustable readouts (aka numboxes )
Breakpoint cables , zooming etc...
After using plugdata for a while , using reaktor's gui feels like being propelled back to the stone age .
Eyeball exchanging
Soul calibrating ..frequencies


Super 8. Not to change it's own design, but just that I'd like it to be free of Reaktor and be VST format.


The way this post’s title is worded suggests functionality to me. In that case, Battery 4. What I’d like redesigned is putting all the features they ripped out of Battery 3 back in. And sure, a new paint job would be welcome.
On a number of Macs


please fix Plazmonic :? . . . :hug:
aliasing plugin owner


ralfrobert wrote: Tue Apr 23, 2024 5:33 am Voxengo stuff. Not drastically, but a little facelift would be a good thing.
Changing the color scheme does everything I want to fix the UI on those.


concealed identity wrote: Tue Mar 05, 2024 9:04 am I love the sound of Dune 3, and the interface isn't terrible or anything, but there's just something about it that doesn't feel right. I think it's just having the tabbed oscillators, osc mixer, voice layer selector, and number of voices/layers all in separate parts of the synth. The more complex my patches get, the more I find myself searching around to edit the specific things I want. Even though it's useable now, I definitely think there is room for improvement in Dune 4's interface.
+1 from me, I liked the sound but not the workflow of Dune (especially compared to other synths I had) so I sold it on, if they improved the UI (and the MSEG editor!) I'd be back onboard. (This is probably beyond the scope of what Wayford is interested in doing though)
Lbdunequest wrote: Sun Mar 03, 2024 12:06 pm Id love to see bigger original Massive Skin and Super 8
Ditto to this as well minus the 'original' part, I'd be willing to drop a few bucks on a skin that would modernize the Massive UI a bit (I already have a program that makes it bigger)
quod tu es, ego fui, quod ego sum, tu eris


Are we talking about just skins for synth that are skinnable? Or actual UI design changes? If the latter, then EVERY 1:1 synth plugin UI that simply mimics the hardware UI. That approach is so, SO dumb, IMO.

In particular, almost every single Arturia plugin could use a redesign to make better use of computer display real estate. This goes for Roland and Softube as well. It's just silly seeing a Jupiter 8-like synth UI, for instance, on my laptop screen.

TAL actually gets it. Their J8 Jupiter 8 emulation not only sounds great but makes much better use of a computer display by reconfiguring the synth layout. Because honestly, how many people have even seen a Jupiter 8 in real life let alone played one or own one? So it's beyond stupid to me to just mindlessly copy the hardware Jupiter 8 layout in software form. That makes the plugin controls miniscule except on a 49" widescreen monitor.

TAL seem to have far more imagination in this regard than these much larger companies. That's weird to me.


Supercollider wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:10 pm Are we talking about just skins for synth that are skinnable? Or actual UI design changes? If the latter, then EVERY 1:1 synth plugin UI that simply mimics the hardware UI. That approach is so, SO dumb, IMO.

In particular, almost every single Arturia plugin could use a redesign to make better use of computer display real estate. This goes for Roland and Softube as well. It's just silly seeing a Jupiter 8-like synth UI, for instance, on my laptop screen.
I have to agree with that sentiment very much.


Supercollider wrote: Tue May 28, 2024 10:10 pm.

In particular, almost every single Arturia plugin could use a redesign to make better use of computer display real estate. This goes for Roland and Softube as well. It's just silly seeing a Jupiter 8-like synth UI, for instance, on my laptop screen.
... Because honestly, how many people have even seen a Jupiter 8 in real life let alone played one or own one? So it's beyond stupid to me to just mindlessly copy the hardware Jupiter 8 layout in software form. That makes the plugin controls miniscule except on a 49" widescreen monitor.
Your point is understandable, and probably true for some folks, but Many people have seen and played these classic syths, and I'm an example of a customer with a 43" monitor who likes my synth emulation to look as close as possible to the real thing. I buy these things for fun, and it's more fun for me to pretend (visually trick myself into thinking) I'm playing the real thing. Isn't it great we have so much choice that you can buy TAL J-8 and I can buy Jup-8V (v4)?


Repro is for me the best of skeuomorphism : you can replace the keyboard with the FXs section (The Legend HZ is great too).
I like TAL layouts but the vector based graphics just is too cartoonish for me. Softube « used look » is just ridiculous and layout is far from well though of. Roland Cloud designs are unbalanced. Arturia is inconsistent.

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