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I'll say - that would be GREAT, man!



Ben [KVR] wrote:mp3play2 loads fine on Receptor (1.2) here. It allows me to load several MP3s and change between them, slow them down, speed them up, use the filters, loop and skip controls, etc. and they play and loop/cycle continuously as required. I also had a full chain of effects instantiated after it to further destroy the music, with no problems.... Of course there may be specific settings or specific MP3s that cause problems...

Did you previously try mp3play1 or 2?

Download version 2 (beta) here:
Thanks for the tip, man, and sorry for clogging up the sticky - version 2 works great!



I have a really simple usability request. It would be great if the tabs at the top of the screen were "extended" all the way to the top of the screen. It seems right now (1.2) that when I move the mouse to the top of the screen and click the mouse button I miss the "hot spot" for the tabs. I have to move the mouse down a few pixels and then click to change the tabs.

A small thing for sure :)

Do this make sense to anyone else?

Thanks Muse for a great product!


Assignable midi cc#'s !!!

Ability to save and recall scenes using program change messages.

Support for more usb keyboards.




-- Be able to assign your own msb/lsb values to your banks. If your controller only sends program change messages with msb000/lsb000 values then you could assign which bank you want that to be.

-- Mapping of cc# which would get saved with each multi patch.

-- Tempo saved with each multi patch, not just 1 global tempo. + Tap Tempo!!




Mapping of CC#'s seems to be the most requested feature. Here's one more "vote"!!


As well as tap tempo! That's been requested at least 4 times (2 or 3 by me)!



i second (or fifth or whatever) the tap tempo request. most foot controllers won't transmit midi beat clock.


on a similar note, considering it's pretty annoying to program a foot controller, i wish it was possible to remap one controller to another on the receptor. i'd love to be able to do all my programmming and remapping on the receptor instead of on the foot controller. plus the foot controller i just bought (roland FC-200) doesn't do controller numbers high enough to bypass effects on a only goes to 95--which means it's almost useless to me. sure that's roland's fault, but considering the receptor is basically a computer, it should be flexible enough to allow workarounds for situations like that. saving cc remappings with multis would probably be the best option (from my standpoint anyway).


wow, i must be blind--i just realized sevreal previous posts were about the same thing. sorry to be redundant.


You ain't redundant, mate - you mentioned tap tempo again!! YAY!!!

(You think they'll notice?)



er, yeah, loses it's impact when you see the brackets on either end lol


These may already be here (I may have missed them)

1) I'd like to see what each Track's Volumes are set at, or at least, a temporary read-out whenever I adjust a Fader ~ even a tiny pop-up for a moment.

2) I wish that the Plug-In Windows were able to float, instead of totally blocking the Front Panel; I'm especially interested in being able to see how the CPU reacts to changes I make, without having to close the window...if only I could just grab it & move it to the side, or down. I realize most people don't use 2 monitors, but just being able to move the Banks, Edit and MIDI pages, and the individual Plug-Ins GUI would be very helpful.


JayVee wrote:These may already be here (I may have missed them)

2) I wish that the Plug-In Windows were able to float, instead of totally blocking the Front Panel; I'm especially interested in being able to see how the CPU reacts to changes I make, without having to close the window...if only I could just grab it & move it to the side, or down. I realize most people don't use 2 monitors, but just being able to move the Banks, Edit and MIDI pages, and the individual Plug-Ins GUI would be very helpful.
look here :P
Robert Karasek wrote:CPU-GAUGE in EDIT-Mode

sometimes it would be quite helpful to have a look at the CPU-usage in a plugin's EDIT-mode as well, not only in MIX-mode.


MUTE-Button for MASTER

I'm always forced to disable the activated channels/or pull down the master volume.
(e.g. when using a synth midied to RECEPTOR, using sounds of both ones - when checking a patch from my synth I don't want to hear the RECEPTOR sounds ;)...)

Up/Down buttons/arrows for PLUGIN-selection

just like for the patches I'd like to have two little buttons to choose a source/plugin... often, I do know the plugin that's the next one in my list. that way I could go 1 or more steps further... => faster access...
right now, I still have to open the window, select the plugin and close the window...



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