KVR Dev Challenge 2016!

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.jon wrote:That's a good point about the FX, I didn't think of automating them, which sounds interesting! But curiously I did try to use the filters for automation, while they indeed perform just fine as static EQ.

Yeah, a mod envelope not linked to amp could be quite useful.
Thanks again, BTW you noticed that you can use [gate] instead of [ADSR] for VCA, right?
So basically I have that extra envelope already,
I need to add more controls to the GUI.

Ah, about Sinnah next week I will release Sinnah 1.1 with LFO , ModWheel, AT and keytracking, new features!


Today the voting for KVR DC 2016 ends. A great thank you to all the developer! I'm curious who will win this time.

We have 2 great delays: Spaceship Delay and Lagrange.
Softamp PSA is obviously also a great challenger for the top position.
The Fuzzed pedal demos sound really good, too bad I couldn't testdrive it yet. Not much talk about this one?

Good luck !


harryupbabble wrote:Well, take the highway construction analogy that I mentioned earlier. People don't want to pay taxes that fund wasteful projects. I guess I was seeing 64-bit technology as a "wasteful project", strictly from the viewpoint of the common music-maker. You know that phrase "starving artist"? That's my idea of the common music-maker. But even if music-makers are far from starving, is that a good reason to not watch whatever budget one has and lessen squander?
OK, it's clear now. Why then 'starving artists' do not support free, libre software, and open source instead of bying licenses to commertial projects?
harryupbabble wrote: You explained the advantages of 64-bit technology but I'm like "Hey, I'm doing fine with the 32-bit technology that I am using, If I switch to 64-bit plugins it won't really benefit me because I don't use huge library samples". All it will do is gouge my budget. It's like "Hey I'm just happy with my acoustic guitar, I'm not Jimi Hendrix and I can't afford stacks of Marshall cabinets". But I guess if the ratio of people that want 64-bit plugin versus the people that are happy with their 32-bit plugins is like 51/49 favoring the 64-bit crowd then yeah majority rules, demand and supply. I'm just voicing one opinion. But maybe there are many that are just like me. If no then, maybe nevermind, I tried. Okay bye for now I have to test some more DC16 entries.
If people don't see advantages from switching from 32 bit to 64, there is no reason to perform switch. The main advantage, as already discussed, is more memory available to the host running plugins. Additionally, 32-bit compatibility mode makes switching process more stretched in the time. But here we get another problem: the huge amount of software built for 32-bit platform that won't be ported to 64-bit plaftorm ever. Can you guarantee that once, in new Windows release the support of 32-bit compatibility mode will be turned off (or available for money, striking back to 'starving artists') and you will be forced to search for replacement?


SadKo wrote:Can you guarantee that once, in new Windows release the support of 32-bit compatibility mode will be turned off (or available for money, striking back to 'starving artists') and you will be forced to search for replacement?
Just understand how spoiled we are with Windows.

Apple regularly breaks software with EVERY update.
Remember the iLokalypse Summer 2013

Samples and presets and free stuff!


Is bit bridging not a thing? Seems pretty seamless in Reaper; I've had no trouble running x86 and x64 side by side for years now.


Looking forward to the announcement of the winners today. :party:


Just for an email from Bedroom Producers saying vote for Lagrange and that it's in PC and Mac formats but on KvR I can only see a Win version listed


Mac version is announced for next year.


I tried to find this info; How do you vote?
5 (points) for the best or 1 for the first place?


electricthing wrote:I tried to find this info; How do you vote?
5 (points) for the best or 1 for the first place?

5 points for the best


BeatMaker_xyz wrote:
electricthing wrote:I tried to find this info; How do you vote?
5 (points) for the best or 1 for the first place?

5 points for the best

edit; now I see, when you hover over the column to vote you get the information......


Chris-S wrote:Looking forward to the announcement of the winners today. :party:
Same here

When will it be published ?


Winners have been announced, big congratulations!

https://www.kvraudio.com/news/kvr-devel ... r-is-35781


Congratulations to the winners! :clap: :clap:


Finished at rank #3 ! Congratulations to the winners :tu:

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