v3 Beta Feedback And Discussion (Bugs, Features, Suggestions)

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I think I've found a bug in the "Chord Quick Suggestions - Borrowed Notes" window, but I could be wrong as I don't know that much music theory.

Steps to replicate:
* Create a new composition, defaults (C Major, 4 bars)
* In the first bar, select chord Em
* In the Chord Quick Suggestions, make sure Borrowed Chords are shown.
* In the Borrowed Chords, the first entry is "E (phrygian)"
* However, the "E" chord is not part of the C Phrygian scale! (as far as I know).

I don't know if there are other borrowed chords that are wrong or not, as I could not test them all, but the few ones I tested (apart from this "E" chord) seem ok...

Best regards.


Another question please: when you save a Rhythm in the library, it's always saved as "Manually Edited". Can it be possible to save the Rhythm "as is", saving the Rhythm type (polyrhythm, etc) with the original settings instead of manually edited?

Also could it be possible to directly edit Phrases, Rhythms, Generator Presets, etc, in the Browser windows? That would be quite useful when preparing templates to be inserted quickly in the composition.



I noticed a small resizing bug in the Phrase properties window.

For example:
* fill a track with melody generator
* select all those melody phrases
* Right click and click in the Phrase Properties icon (wand). It will say multiple generators have been selected and offer only the choice to regenerate them all.
* Now click in the track (outside any phrase) to deselect them (without closing the phrase properties window).
* Select one phrase. Now the properties are shown in that phrase but the width of the phrase properties window is wrong, so part f the properties cannot be seen and you need to manually resize it.

Best regards.


BluGenes wrote: Tue Apr 16, 2019 5:42 pm hey.. I think this would be so awesome.. can we have a button near the area of the selected chord that is displayed when viewing the master track dialog that says "Add Chord to Chord Rules". Maybe right next to the piano roll on the dialog. well maybe at least start the journey to get it to the rules.. anyways..
Brilliant idea. Maybe it would be more logical to place it in Quick Suggestions? (mockup):


It will be possible to select multiple chords or even a whole chord progression, and add them all to the current rules. This way you can build your own rules easily.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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yellukhan wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 5:13 pm me again .. just thinking out loud:

wouldn't be much more logical if the
"mouse hold & drag" and "Ctrl & mouse hold & drag"
move/zoom functions was inverted?
which one do we use most .. zoom / move ?
I am open to ideas about this. Typically a simple drag means "scrolling" and modifier+drag is "zooming". I am thinking of ways for easier navigation in a complex (long with many tracks) composition. Any suggestions are welcome. I am not happy about the current zooming/scrolling possibilities.

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


DavidBluecame wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:18 pm * Select a phrase or generator and press "F"
* The track only fills with the phrase/generator the section where the region had been previously selected.
Hello DavidBluecame,

thank you so much for reporting these bugs!
I fixed this embarrassing bug. I have tried but I could not reproduce the other one with the Strum Pattern Generator preset. That is definitely wrong if you see only the rhythm. Would it be possible for you to send me the .rcPHRS file for the preset?

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Yes, this would be good to have.
You see the difficulties perfectly. The UI would be more complex. The parameters that are different in the selected phrase should be indicated with another color, and maintaining which parameters were changed by the user, and only those should be applied would be a nightmare.
I am not saying that this would not be useful, but maybe later...
DavidBluecame wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:27 pm Hello,

A feature request:

When you select multiple generators in a track, and you enter the generator properties, it says that you cannot edit them because they are multiple generators selected.

Could it be possible to edit the properties of multiple generators, as long as they are the same type? For example that way we could quickly change common properties and then modify them one by one to tweak them.

I understand this could be difficult to do, as it would involve showing for example, the parameters "not touched" by the user as "not going to be modified in the individual generators" (maybe in less saturated color or grayscale), while the parameters that the user modifies will be highlighted to show that they would be applied to all the selected generators when the user clicks "Apply to selection"

Of course, considering the complexity of the generators and their parameters, dependency on rhythms, etc, I suppose this could only offer a limited ability to change parameters in a selection of generators, but it would be better than it is now (not possible at all).

I hope this makes sense somehow. Thanks!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


DavidBluecame wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:34 pm Hello,

Another feature request about the structure ribbon.

In 3.7b5 there is now the ability to rearrange lines, etc, moving the ribbon with the mouse.

However, I think it would be great if we could make some additional modifications, for example:
* Selecting the intersection between two parts (or two lines) and using left mouse button (or combined with a modifier such as Shift), resize the previous part/line for example making room for more bars/beats or removing part of the end of the previous part/line.
Hello David,

very good requests, again! :tu:
Thank you!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


DavidBluecame wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:56 pm Another feature request that would be very useful (and I think this has been requested by other users) is to be able to see/modify the velocity (and perhaps other note parameters) graphically in the Phrase Editor in a panel below the main phrase editor window, similar to what already appears in the main page when using Note Editing?
This is what I am working right now. It will be in the next major update, v3.7.
DavidBluecame wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:56 pmThank you very much, I hope not being abusing you or the forum with so many requests... I understand you are really busy...

Best regards.
No, you are not abusing the forum at all. All the useful suggestions will be implemented sooner or later.
Thanks, David!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


Thanks Attila!


musicdevelopments wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:04 pm
DavidBluecame wrote: Sat Apr 20, 2019 7:18 pm * Select a phrase or generator and press "F"
* The track only fills with the phrase/generator the section where the region had been previously selected.
Hello DavidBluecame,

thank you so much for reporting these bugs!
I fixed this embarrassing bug. I have tried but I could not reproduce the other one with the Strum Pattern Generator preset. That is definitely wrong if you see only the rhythm. Would it be possible for you to send me the .rcPHRS file for the preset?

Hello, Attila.

Thank you for fixing them!!! :-D

I tried to replicate the issue with the Strum Pattern generator and I could not do it initially either, but I managed to replicate it again after several attempts.

Steps to replicate:
* v3.7b5, new composition 4 bars default as usual
* Drag a strum pattern generator and edit it -> go to the "magic wand" tab
* Click in one of the small "light blue" strums to convert it to dark blue strum. I think any of them should do.
* Click the button "Save" (not "save rhythm") and give it any name
* Go to the phrases browser and find that in Generator Presets -> Strum Generator -> the name you used before.
* Now you can right click to see it. Instead of the strum generator you will see a rhythm (single line) instead.

EDIT: if you drag it to the track it appears correctly, but if you select the track and press "F" it fills the track with the "line rhythm-alike" instead of the correct generator.

EDIT: It also happens with the Melody Generator, if you change any of its parameters and afterwards you "Save" as a Generator preset. So this could be happening in other generators too, but the bug gets triggered if you edit a parameter and afterwards you save, and if you fill the track with the generator preset.

I think the trick to trigger the bug is to edit the strums and change one of the strums type from light blue to dark blue or any other, an "x", etc... Saving after that change will save the rhythm.

Please let me know if that helps you replicating the issue. Otherwise I will send you the file you requested.


musicdevelopments wrote: Sun Apr 28, 2019 2:13 pm Yes, this would be good to have.
You see the difficulties perfectly. The UI would be more complex. The parameters that are different in the selected phrase should be indicated with another color, and maintaining which parameters were changed by the user, and only those should be applied would be a nightmare.
I am not saying that this would not be useful, but maybe later...
Hello, Attila.

Yes, I can imagine this would be very complex, so I started to explore the "Generator Presets" instead, as they could achieve something similar to what I want (quickly change some common parameters).

Unfortunately I had the issues with the Generator Presets described above, so I could not explore that way fully yet.

I have a question: if you drag a generator to a track and then you right click and use the button "repeat phrase until the end of..." (without ghosts), it makes copies of the phrase but they are no longer generators but "regular phrases". Is this intended behaviour or perhaps copies of a generator made that way should still be generators with the same parameters as the original?



DavidBluecame wrote: Tue Apr 30, 2019 4:51 pm EDIT: It also happens with the Melody Generator, if you change any of its parameters and afterwards you "Save" as a Generator preset. So this could be happening in other generators too, but the bug gets triggered if you edit a parameter and afterwards you save, and if you fill the track with the generator preset.
Yes, it happens also in the Dyads and Arpeggiator generators too... possibly in others too. It only happens if you change a parameter and save as a generator preset afterwards and later you use "F" to fill the track... strange...


Even crazier, if you do this with arpeggiator, they get "locked" to the bottom at "C-1" and if you double click to edit them, the manually edited notes show "error"
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This is very strange. I am checking this bug and will fix it shortly.
Thank you for reporting them, together with the steps, which are very helpful!
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off - June 3-18


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