how can i record/create a thick clap like this?

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ChrisE wrote:....... drifting away just for a few seconds from Meffy and Voidoid's green-fist
EEEWWWWWwwww...... :shock:

Seriously, you might want to consider Paris Hilton as a session clapper.
I've heard she's thick as a brick, and has the clap...


Alternatively, use DR-008's disco clap module.
Sounds quite convincing when mixed with a real hand clap.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.


Voidoid Surrealist wrote: ..... I've heard she's thick as a brick, and has the clap...
I suppose that when you have the body of a roll-top desk, the morals of an alleycat, and the mind of a duck, it's inevitable really .............

.. there is a tide in the affairs of men which, if taken at the flood,
will totally f**k your beach pavillion ...........

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