New at AlgoMusic: X-WOF PRO !



how many presets does it come with? :shock: :-o


ttoz wrote:how many presets does it come with? :shock: :-o
All 128 preset-places are used.



aMUSEd wrote: Now how do I set it up in Chainer? Again several patches are silent but there's no way to set up multiple outs in Chainer is there?
I didn´t have the time to test it by myself: Does it really not work in Chainer? As I load all VSTis into Chainer it would be not interesting for me to buy this synth, what would be really too bad. :(
Andreas (I presume my forefathers were apes)

Image Listen to some Monkey-Music


AndreasE wrote:
aMUSEd wrote: Now how do I set it up in Chainer? Again several patches are silent but there's no way to set up multiple outs in Chainer is there?
I didn´t have the time to test it by myself: Does it really not work in Chainer? As I load all VSTis into Chainer it would be not interesting for me to buy this synth, what would be really too bad. :(
Unfortunately I can't test it myself in Chainer. As far as I know, Chainer does not support "Mixdown to Stereo". Anyway if there is request, I can do a subversion of the registered with just Stereo-Out - to be delivered individually for the moment. That's no problem. But I don't want it to make switchable in the current registered.

hope that helps


Fortune wrote:Unfortunately I can't test it myself in Chainer.
Fortune, the Chainer demo is fully working only with saving disabled.
Andreas (I presume my forefathers were apes)

Image Listen to some Monkey-Music


Why do others not build such a special machine like mine? Do You know what is working inside? Do you know how much knowledge, effort and time was needed to develop all the stuff. Before You complain about the gui you should think about that. Liking or disliking a gui is a mere matter of taste - but it is not substantial to the heart of the machine.
um, the gui is a matter of taste to be sure - however, there are some absolutes to what makes a good and a bad gui. You don't hit many of the 'good's. As far as your machine being 'special' - every developer thinks that so get over yourself myfriend.
Did You really read and _understand_ my prior answer to You? I don't think so.
Obviously as much as you understand skinning :D
You can't have a second background from a container - only the control-elements - therefore masks would spoil the screen. And there are several more consequences to be consindered in this context.
Then you include a bit of background AROUND the controls so they blend... its not rocket science... but I still think there's something you're missing in the GUI world - not that that's a bad thing. Synth designers should design synths and get GUI designers to build GUIs IMO :wink:

Whatever. Its a shame that such a cool functional SE has such a lame GUI - to the point that (from the posts) many can't or won't use it. Too bad as I said...


AndreasE wrote:
Fortune wrote:Unfortunately I can't test it myself in Chainer.
Fortune, the Chainer demo is fully working only with saving disabled.
Anyway I just prepared a subversion of the registered with stereo-out only. So if the evaluation version runs on Your system, that one will run as well. Then mail me.



krhen wrote: ... to the point that (from the posts) many can't or won't use it.
who is "many" .... ????
Too bad as I said...
Ok, I can live with that!

end of discussion



Fortune wrote: I just prepared a subversion of the registered with stereo-out only. So if the evaluation version runs on Your system, that one will run as well.
Thanks, I´ll try it ASAP.
Andreas (I presume my forefathers were apes)

Image Listen to some Monkey-Music


Fortune wrote:
ttoz wrote:how many presets does it come with? :shock: :-o
All 128 preset-places are used.

ok, BUT, are they the same presets as the free simpler version or are they COMPLETELY different?


ttoz wrote:
Fortune wrote:
ttoz wrote:how many presets does it come with? :shock: :-o
All 128 preset-places are used.

ok, BUT, are they the same presets as the free simpler version or are they COMPLETELY different?
Almost all presets which had been selected from the free X-WoF have been changed in order to utilize the new parts and there are completely new patches also.

btw. both versions are NOT compatible for the presets as X-WoF Pro has some more parameters, so You can't exchange presets between both versions.



ttoz wrote:
Fortune wrote:
ttoz wrote:how many presets does it come with? :shock: :-o
All 128 preset-places are used.

ok, BUT, are they the same presets as the free simpler version or are they COMPLETELY different?

yeah...just to emphisize what Fortune said. I redid all my patches, so while some have the same name, they are completly different and uses the extra features in the pro version. I also did some NEW ones as well.

having said that, I think there is still a lot to be explored in this musicsystem !



I'd like a copy of the stereo out version but there isn't a proper email link on the site for you.



due to heavy demand I'm doing an update of X-WoF Pro which consists of selectable audio-output mode within the VSTi itself. Thus there will be no longer need for having a multichannel and a stereo-out subversion as you will be able to set the VSTi to stereo-sum or Multichannel output. This is a global setting valid for all patches with default to stereo-sum.
I did test it by now in MiniHost, Chainer Cubase and VST-Seq. As soon as further tests have been done this version 1.2b will be made available. I hope to do it this evening. In order to discern the new version from the old one at once there is a blueish background now. Registered users will be informed for a free update.

Further infos will be made public asap.

H.G. Fortune


Fortune wrote: I just prepared a subversion of the registered with stereo-out only. So if the evaluation version runs on Your system, that one will run as well.
Exiting synth. Stereo-out only version works in Chainer.

2 questions: The patches are always playing when loaded. How about starting them only with a midi note message? And stopping the sound is only possible by disabling the ´run´ mode of the synth?
Andreas (I presume my forefathers were apes)

Image Listen to some Monkey-Music


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