Official support for: energy-xt.com
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dizot wrote:but i think anyone in my position would have also been frustrated.
well, your defiantly not the first!! :)

welcome to the license owning XT community :D



well, this is the 16th day, and still no license file from xt. i paid for the software on 10.04.2008 to make sure i had the whole month to setup projects and rehearse for a live show on 10.27.2008.

the energy-xt.com website should really take down the text that reads The license key will be sent to your e-mail address within 24 hours after the transaction has been confirmed. in my book, that is false advertising...or perhaps it takes longer than 16 days to "confirm" that i paid.

i retract any apologies i have issued. this is just ridiculous, and poor customer service. i just want my money back at this point. ignoring me will not make me any happier.


Could you please check if you have a spam filter, or spam box? We are sending you the license, so this is really weird.

I will try to send from another email account in case our email is blacklisted or something.

Half developer half human
XT Software


That's a fair point; I haven't seen you anywhere state you checked your spam folder. Better check there! If you have it automatically delete spam, then you may just be losing it straight away. You could contact Jorgen and ask him to send to another address, like a free internet one (in case you aren't already) and check its spam folder, if it still doesn't appear there either?


Another email sent.

Half developer half human
XT Software



i run my own mail server, and there is no spam filtering per se. are the messages getting bounced back? are my emails reaching you?

i feel that perhaps it is an ip blacklisting problem. i have several RIPE blocks blacklisted. since you.re in northern europe [from where i was receiving egregious amounts of spam in the past that prompted a blacklist approach], i am wondering if that isn.t the problem. i.ll resend my email with a yahoo address, and hopefully we can come to a resolution.

my apology is back in effect. thank you for your efforts. i.m sure we are now both frustrated.




i definitely owe you an apology. i looked-up the MX record for energy-xt.com, and found all of your MX servers are in the block. my mail server is blocking all connections originating from [among others], and i assume your incoming mail servers are on the same network as your outgoing mail servers. so this whole issue is on my shoulders. i hadn.t even considered those blacklisted ip blocks were causing problems.

i am sorry for the accusations i made that you were unresponsive, and for wasting your time with my stupidity. you never really had an opportunity to respond.



And there is why blacklisted IP blocks are not a good idea for individuals nor governments!

.. suppose that's off-topic, but yeah. I just wanted to say. :D


druid wrote:And there is why blacklisted IP blocks are not a good idea for individuals nor governments!
well, sort of.

in the 4 years or so that i.ve had the blacklists in place, this is the first legitimate email that i.ve missed...versus the thousands of spam emails i would have received in its place.

that doesn.t absolve my being a moron [in this case, anyhow]...i.m still the one that f*ed up, so i will accept my public flogging :P


No intention to flog. It's an international problem; balance spam filtering with legitimate email. I'm not sure I like block blocking (hehehe) but I can see why one would want to. In the end, what would really be nice is if people didn't spam at all, but well... yeah. There must be a gain from it. Maybe every computer system should be tracked after all! But there's another balancing issue. :P


a very noble response dizot!!

glad all is now sorted :)




thank you for being flexible and sending the license file to my yahoo address. i look forward to using energyXT for many years.

once more, i.m sorry for jumping to conclusions...



I just installed XT2 on my new iBook g4, with the massiva key from my PC version in the same folder, It dosen't seem to recognize the key like it does on my PC. Do I need a separate key? Also, I have no experience with macs before this. When I double-clicked on the mac version it installed the program into a separate folder which I can't find. I copied it into the folder I created in Applications but that didn't fix it. Also, click-drag is not working with MIDI files(sorry - separate issue). Any advice about all this stuff?
"The Law speaks too softly to be heard amid the din of arms." -- Gaius Marius {Roman consul,soldier}



I would PM Jorgen concerning the licensing. My guess is that you will need the key in the new format (xt.lck) for the Mac.

Good luck,
Half human, half mayfly.


Hm, why does the website not state that Paypal is not the preferred method? I selected Paypal due to pure lazyness. Had i known that i would possibly wait longer (almost 24h by now), i would have never chosen Paypal. I didn't bother to visit the forum until i realized that the key is not sent right away.

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