Help with Chords - Guitar !!!!!!!

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.


this is also a great book about chords and scales (my old teacher said it's the best): ... e&n=283155

It is pretty deep though and you can literally spend weeks just working with a single page of it...


_niko_ wrote:this is also a great book about chords and scales (my old teacher said it's the best): ... e&n=283155
That's a KICKASS book! Gotta love Goodricks afterthoughts... ("play the guitar with your left only", "play the guitar with your right only", "play the guitar with none of them", etc...).

But, seriously, to truly enjoy the book, I recommend gaining some "standard" knowledge before.
There are 3 kinds of people:
Those who can do maths and those who can't.

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