Maschine4Bitwig Studio, MK2, MikroMK2 and MK1

Official support for:


reflekshun wrote:HUGE thank you for this script, it is a game changer, maschine is a central production unit now because of this, we have a lot to thank you for.

I noticed a few things, but before posting a Github request I thought I'd ask a few questions here first:

1. Is it possible to bring up a VST window using maschine?
2. Is it possible to make device mode the default?
3. Is it possible to change to device mode from maschine?

4. Select + F1 never seems to do anything, am I missing something?
5. SAMPLING longpress + F4 also seems to do nothing, I read in a github request that it opens a VST window. Do I perhaps have to get a newer version of the script?

I'm on 0.1.5 of the script.

Thank you!
I answered your 3 GitHub issues.

1. Checked, I hadn't added that yet, make an issue for it if you want.
2. See this; (select Device and it will always be device mode.
3. Press [NAVIGATE + PAD1]
4. Hmm, what is it supposed to do, doesn't look familiar.
5. Need to check on this.

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Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


For others... I am actually working on this again so it will work with 1.2. (I am making commits in the repo)

reflekshun lit the fire, I was waiting on NI to get back to me but, as usual, never heard anything. SO I will just grin and bear the Studio Windows problem for now and see what I can do in the next while.

NOTE: The code in master will only work with 1.2 beta now.

Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


Note: Anyone who has Maschine and has Bitwig. This is a no brainer - try out the script. It turns your Maschine into Music Production Workstation. The way it works with Device mappings is insane already and will improve as Bitwig rolls out the new Device mappings layout in 1.2

Big thanks to you Mike for putting in the time even when you're so busy with other stuff! Much appreciated :)
Music Producer / Audio Engineer


Just installed newest script from Github and controller editor setup
I could not get Record, and shift Record functions to work properly in Bitwig
any advice?


reflex58 wrote:Just installed newest script from Github and controller editor setup
I could not get Record, and shift Record functions to work properly in Bitwig
any advice?
What are you using MK2, Studio?

I just tried with the studio and it works fine.

I did something different which is kind of weird but I think works maybe it needs to be a config.

When in Arrange record toggles Arranger record, when in Mix record toggles clip overdub record.

The SHIFT + RECORD inverts what I just wrote above, so if you are in Mix, SHIFT + RECORD toggles Arranger and when in Arrange SHIFT + RECORD toggles clip overdub.

Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


prior post was regarding the current script of Maschine Studio
I also had this problem with the prior script (that was not for 1
BWS 1.2 B7
All other functions seem to be in order


reflex58 wrote:prior post was regarding the current script of Maschine Studio
I also had this problem with the prior script (that was not for 1
BWS 1.2 B7
All other functions seem to be in order
That is odd, I have my Studio hooked up right now with the current script in master and the Record button works like I described above.

Hmm, I really am at a loss, you said you updated the controller template(I fixed the knob1 turning finally, so it turns at the same speed as the others now).

So you press record and it just does nothing, all the time?

Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


No response in any mode to Record in BWS
I looked at the controller Editor template, the Rec button in Maschine is programmed for channel 1,control change 57,Mode (gate) Value off(0), on (127), LED On (for MIDI in)
Knob 1 appears to be updating at the correct rate compared to the other knobs


reflex58 wrote:No response in any mode to Record in BWS
I looked at the controller Editor template, the Rec button in Maschine is programmed for channel 1,control change 57,Mode (gate) Value off(0), on (127), LED On (for MIDI in)
Knob 1 appears to be updating at the correct rate compared to the other knobs
I know you may not understand code but this is what all controllers share;

Code: Select all

AbstractView.prototype.onRec = function (event)
    if (!event.isDown ())

    var layout = this.model.getApplication ().getPanelLayout ()
    var shiftPressed = this.surface.isShiftPressed ();

    if (layout == 'ARRANGE')
        if (shiftPressed)
            this.model.getTransport ().toggleLauncherOverdub ();
            this.model.getTransport ().record ();
    else  if (layout == 'MIX' || layout == 'EDIT')
        if (!shiftPressed)
            this.model.getTransport ().toggleLauncherOverdub ();
            this.model.getTransport ().record ();
As you can see it's pretty simple right now and the REC button is mapped int he Studio as;

Code: Select all

MaschineButton.REC = 57;
So something weird is happening in your specific setup, I am stumped.

Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


I can read code a little I will check script to see if it reads the same, as what you posted
Just a note I also have Push it seems to be working fine
as far as the record functions


reflex58 wrote:I can read code a little I will check script to see if it reads the same, as what you posted
Just a note I also have Push it seems to be working fine
as far as the record functions
Well just to be thorough, the Push script is using the exact same base framework as Maschine so it can't be that.

I know that the controller template is sending CC 57 and Maschine is handling 57 for onRec() so it really can't be that.

The only thing left is some communication malfunction with the script and Btwig OR Maschine and Bitwig, which if it is I really can't test without having you add some trace statements on your side to see how far the CC57 is getting into the script.

Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


Well trace statements are beyond my Knowledge level
I did try to find the info in the script you posted
I thought it location was in the framework, view, abstract view .js
In that file i did not find what you had posted
Perhaps I am in the wrong location


reflex58 wrote:Well trace statements are beyond my Knowledge level
I did try to find the info in the script you posted
I thought it location was in the framework, view, abstract view .js
In that file i did not find what you had posted
Perhaps I am in the wrong location
Well I bet trace statements are not beyond, anybody can learn if they want.

For instance;

In MaschineStudio.js line# 297 make it look like this;

Code: Select all

        case MaschineButton.REC:
            println("We got REC from the Studio!");
            view.onRec (event);
Save the file and restart the script.

Open View - > Show Control Script Consoles

In that window select Maschinestudio.js

Type Ctrl-R and it will restart the script, press REC on the Stuido, if you don't see this image, we know Maschine isn't getting the CC message into the script.
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Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1


Did as you indicated, and modified scripi
Got the indications you indicated on Console script Console
Still no change to BWS record status
As i indicated on the post prior to this I was not able to find the "abstrasct view" code you posted in the location I thought it might be.
My thought is that either I am in the wrong location. or missing that portion of code for some reason


reflex58 wrote:Did as you indicated, and modified scripi
Got the indications you indicated on Console script Console
Still no change to BWS record status
As i indicated on the post prior to this I was not able to find the "abstrasct view" code you posted in the location I thought it might be.
My thought is that either I am in the wrong location. or missing that portion of code for some reason
Wow this is weird. So we know for sure that the CC is getting into the script. Sorry the code I showed above is located in;

view/ViewExtensions.js Line#326.

ViewExtensions.js is a javascript "mixin" class, it says AbstractView but it's actually mixing in the onRec() into Abstract View from the outside.

Michael Schmalle
Surfing on sine waves

Maschine4Bitwig - Studio, MK2, MikroMK2, MK1

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