Music created with U-he synths

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New music as of January 11th, 2022! I put 2 songs in my music website, though the one on top ("Turn Their Eyes to You") would probably interest you the most because it has some Diva, Repro-5, and some non-u-he synths. I used Presswerk compression on the vocals and on the drums. Please tell me how you like the music and how it can be improved. Here is my link: ... tent=songs
You can hear my original music at this link: ... dID=224436


This is one of Howards sounds wandering among some rakarrack effects:


Sounds cool! What u-he synth(s) did you use?
You can hear my original music at this link: ... dID=224436


Hi, pretty sure it was Repro 1, but I started getting SMART warnings on
the drive I was using, and did some fresh installs, forgetting to copy over
the Reaper Media folder :dog:
Very glad you like it. Makes two of us. Hard to go wrong using U-he sounds :hyper:


@ Aaron: While prepping a new linux setup, I chanced upon the mis-placed project files, the names of which usually bear any presets involved.
In the case of Tread Lightly, it is a Zebra2 preset, and the sound I forgot is very ironically titled 'ForgetMeNot".
:dog: :hihi: But that's how I :roll: these days.


OK, thank you!
You can hear my original music at this link: ... dID=224436


How about films?

Zebra: The Dark Knight / Dark Knight Rises / Inception / Bladerunner 2049

Hive: Matrix Resurrections

Am I missing any?


Dune (2021): Zebra



'Stay Alive' reminds me of the local ice-rink, full of happy skaters, and plenty of romance. One day, my wife and I were walking alongside the rink, and an Olympian skater zoomed past us, landing some amazing jump, literally got the chills. :hyper:
Nice work integrating the vocals! Long live Hive.


I put 2 songs in my music website: the song on top is called "Spiritually High" (it has Zebra HZ, Repro-5, and Presswerk compression, will probably interest you the most) and the second one down is "Falling From the Skyyy" (no u-he on that song). The second song has Jeff Trumpold doing the rhythm guitars, electric bass, and the drums; I did the vocals, lyrics, and the lead guitar. Jeff was/is in a band (Thirty Seconds of Shame) that was signed by Curt Smith from Tears For Fears. Please tell me how you like the music and how it can be improved. Here is my link: ... t=overview
You can hear my original music at this link: ... dID=224436


I know almost nothing of genres or modern music, but what I do know, is that you've
made a high energy song without deadspots, without boring repetitions, and without diluting the totality by tossing in parts from other styles of music. Everything arrives on time, and energized.

The parts are well played, and hold interest. The leads, rythms, and percussion don't get in each others way, and don't obscure the vocals. Speaking of which, I love the vocal harmony glissand and the contained swell. Continuity is maintained, while not using predictable harmonies. Can't say I've ever heard anything like it, but as noted above, I 'don't get out much' :wink:

In general, the varied instruments, tonalities, distortions and saturations are all playing on the same team. Are you Rick Beato guy? I'm sure he would appreciate your work!
If "Smile Music" were a genre title, Spiritually High would fit right in. :hyper: :clap:


Thank you for your elaborate reply and for checking out my music! I appreciate it! Not familiar with Rick Beato, as far as I know......oh wait! I just did a search on Beato on the youtube. Yeah, I've watched some of his videos; I liked the one he did with Sting and his guitarist. I will take that as a compliment! I listened to the first 3 out of 182 youtube song/videos from you: quite relaxing, pleasant and high quality stuff! :)
You can hear my original music at this link: ... dID=224436


Glad you found some relaxing moments. I listened to some of your 'non-U-he' tunes, and they too are very well done, energy, lyrics, and instrumentals. And a huge trove of them to explore. Being busy is fun. Someone once said, "Never let the record button assume room temperature"

I added a couple 'less relaxing' tunes recently that mentioned ZebraCM in the tags, 'Perelandran Sunrise', and 'Majesty In The Shadows'. I was using the windows version in linux-wine-reaper, and having some pitchbend fun. ZebraCM has what I think is the best-ever synth-brass preset. I'll be getting the linux version next week,
if the Rams win. :wink:


I am glad you liked some of my other songs too! Thank you for listening! I listened to "Perelandran Sunrise": I think that song sounds nice too! :). I like "An Island to Share" too! I like the bird sound effects also.
You can hear my original music at this link: ... dID=224436

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