Tutorials&Theory that could be applied in RC

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Excellent thread. Thanks for doing this.


thank you very much for the encouragment, i was wondering if i should stop because nobody else is interested, your comment motivates me further. Also, and of course whenever you see good theory that could be applied to RC i'm always interested. Thank you.

Here is a video o i saw the other day that got me thinking about motifs as a place where RC could improve and be a great innovator in generating melodies with embedded recurring motifs and variations on motifs:


The pipeline dream: make motif and then keep clicking "regenerate with motif" with parameters of how with witch density it should reappear. Maybe this would finally fix the gap between generated and human made music where the generated one doesn't have enough repetition/fractal structure while the human one keeps doing fractal repetition with particular cores.


Hi dear iXaarii,
please don't stop posting these excellent videos! :pray: I must admit, recently I am very busy, and so far I had not got much time to watch these inspiring videos. I am planning to allow me a few relaxing hours in this weekend when I will watch all these.
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Oh, Musicdevelopments, what a great honor. Thank you! In that case I shall not stop indeed. I was afraid my excitement was too much. I'm more than happy to be excited and passionate about such faaascinatting thigns! thank you sooo much for the awesome magic that is RC to build so much of this theory into usable practice that in turn in a virtuous circle paves the way and interest for more of such fascination!


some musical fun... but also a lot of implied lessons and negative lessons leak from every corner of the commentary


I enjoy watching this guy, probably because I will never be able to play the piano this way:

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Amazing, wonderful, amazing! I had a friend in highschool who could just play like this... i'd just hang around him whenever he was playing all hypnotized.


Yes, I have the same feelings when I hear someone playing the piano like that...

Here is another one. Alex Moukala makes amazing tutorials if you are into orchestration:
https://www.youtube.com/results?search_ ... ex+moukala

How To Orchestrate A Chord Progression (from Piano to Full Orchestra):
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Piano techniques, chords, chord progressions usable also in RapidComposer on Josef Sykora's channel:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2VELs ... ZxC9A6-JOg
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Thanks, yellukhan, this guy is amazing...
Fortunately RapidComposer offers borrowed chords, and even generate chord progressions using borrowed chords.
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Thank you very much Musicdevelopments and Yellukhan for sharing those great videos! I have learned a lot from Alex Moukala's videos, particularly in terms of orchestration and instruments, while Signals Music Studio is suuuch a great guy and the content is mindblowing every time.
Some things I've learned from in the past weeks, for me this made me think more of the 1,3,5 notes. :
is very interesting, something I wish I had a workflow to do more and be able to think more in terms of m3 and M3 steps as I keep hearing of them.


not music theory (though a deep concept there too well enlightened through this) but RC Theory, just saw this awesomely done video by HiEnergyMusic https://youtu.be/BboxxrMuXd8
it's so systematic in explaining RC functionality and rhythm concepts that I have to post it here. Thanks a LOT HiEnergyMusic
It really is so well done imo that it's worthy of being "in the manual" for RC. I wish I had videos so well done on every single of the many many wonderful RC features.



I'm relatively new to RC. I'll contribute this video to keep the ball rolling as I think what you've started (and kept alive) is great iXaarii.


I'm sure most have already seen this as the poster is quite popular, but it's worth having here as part of the knowledge base.

Thanks so much and I look forward to seeing this thread grow into a god tier cache of Theory knowledge!



Hi Cereb! Welcome to this forum, and thanks for your first post! :tu:
I watched this interesting video, and decided to add "negative harmony" among the chord substitutions.

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