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tonymax wrote:
sbangs_air wrote:Please can you drop me an email sbangs at inmusicbrands dot com
did you receive any of the 2 emails and 2 pms ive sent since this message, still no resolution to my problem



I guess not then... on holiday.. ignoring me.. not sure now..


tonymax wrote:
tonymax wrote:
sbangs_air wrote:Please can you drop me an email sbangs at inmusicbrands dot com
did you receive any of the 2 emails and 2 pms ive sent since this message, still no resolution to my problem



I guess not then... on holiday.. ignoring me.. not sure now..
Hello, apologies I took one of my few holidays of the year. I will be following up asap!

- Update, I have sent your requested code via PM. Unfortunately I dont seem to have got the emails will check with IT on our end.
Digital Team

inMusic Brands
AIR | Akai Professional | Alesis | ▲lto Professional | Denon DJ | Denon Professional | ION Audio | M-Audio | Marantz Professional | MixMeister | Numark | SONiVOX


Hans25 wrote:I know that the the plugin draws it's own GUI, but when the plugin initializes it disables high dpi scaling for Cubase as host. There are obviously some calls that affect the rendering of Cubase in Windows. How it is possible to program a plugin that destroys Cubase's DPI scaling without being able to quickly make a workaround is beyond me. If it only were Air plugins that had this issue but affecting the whole environment and all other plugins is just a disaster.

Look at other developers. DiscoDSP have changed their GUIs to fit to the requirements of modern DAWS and screens. You can choose 3 different gui sizes depending on you screen size and resolution. And their plugins NEVER interfered with Cubase. I've never seen anything like this where a plugin mess up the host?!

And yes you are right. A zoom up bitmap is going to look like shit if you use the same bitmaps. But doesn't air have original image source files they can rescale? In any Image editing program you can rescale an image while keeping the proportions. So what's the problem?

Tell me, why is it that Air plugins have this problem when all other large developers either haven't had a single problem or took care of it right away?

I can only think of two reasons. Either this problem is due to poor planning and programming making an update and change a substantial task. Or this problem hasn't been solved because the priority has been development of new plugins instead of solving bugs that make current plugins unusable. Or maybe it's a combination??

Hello, Air plugins started life out as AAX exclusives as we have moved into a range of other platforms we have had to do allot of work. Please rest assured this is a priority for us and we are working hard to adjust this for all our plugins. In a relatively short amount of time we have achieved quite allot but are committed to constant improvement.
Digital Team

inMusic Brands
AIR | Akai Professional | Alesis | ▲lto Professional | Denon DJ | Denon Professional | ION Audio | M-Audio | Marantz Professional | MixMeister | Numark | SONiVOX


sbangs_air wrote:Hello, Air plugins started life out as AAX exclusives as we have moved into a range of other platforms we have had to do allot of work. Please rest assured this is a priority for us and we are working hard to adjust this for all our plugins. In a relatively short amount of time we have achieved quite allot but are committed to constant improvement.
Well honestly I'm not very impressed. It might be that it's an extensive process to move from one type of plugin to another one but when you are offering your plugins to customers using the VST-standard then you have an obligation to make them compatible.

I could understand if you specifically had stated that the plugins are NOT compatible with high resolution screens. Then people could have decided if this was something they could live with. Or you could have offered them in a beta state for free until this problem is solved.

You didn't. The plugins are stated as compatible as VST with Windows. People have paid for the plugins but they can't use them. I could have purchased a plugin only for OSX with the same result which is not functional.

If this is such a substantial task why don't you hire another programmer that can take care of bugs like this?

When having the time to develop new plugins I find the explanation that you "have had to do allot of work" a bad excuse.

And I don't even believe that this problem can't be solved fairly easily if there was a commitment to it.
Last edited by Hans25 on Wed Sep 09, 2015 10:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.


Hello, converting a plugin to AU/VST is a much lesser undertaking than a significant UI Build and handled by different teams. I would be happy as a one time sign of good faith to offer you a refund if you have genuinely never been able to use the software.
Digital Team

inMusic Brands
AIR | Akai Professional | Alesis | ▲lto Professional | Denon DJ | Denon Professional | ION Audio | M-Audio | Marantz Professional | MixMeister | Numark | SONiVOX


I have been able to use the plugins but not since I switched to a new Lenovo Laptop that replaced the old one 7 month ago.

Are there any realistically time horizon with respect to when this is solved? Your support colleague stated more than 3 month ago that he was informed that this problem would be solved during the summer. He then never came back to the forum even though there was new posts and inquiries in the thread.

If you have hired a team for developing the user interface they haven't done their job well enough when they didn't forsee this problem. I mean there should be a GUI template that makes it easy to swap and scale bitmaps according to the development of screens and graphic cards etc. As more and more users will get new computers all the time this problem is just going to affect more and more so you have to deal with it.

I really like the plugins. Loom, Hybrid and The Riser are fantastic. That's why it's so frustrating not being able to use them. It would make me (and the rest of the affected users) much more happy if you found a solution. Maybe just a temporary one where the plugins didn't affect the host DPI and then upscaled themselves being a bit blurry or something like that.

Can't you make some kind of brute force temporary solution until the main problem is solved? If it only was Air-plugins that were very small in the host it could be survivable. But messing the host gui and all other plugins is just impossible to live with.

Look at this link. There is a guy that have made a work around for application not being able to hand high dpi scaling. I don't know if that can be used for your dlls as well but maybe you could get inspired. Who knows: ... ndows.html


Having spoken with our engineers, we expect a resolution for this issue in our upcoming 2.0.6 update.
Which will be launched along side Akai Pro VIP 1.1.
Digital Team

inMusic Brands
AIR | Akai Professional | Alesis | ▲lto Professional | Denon DJ | Denon Professional | ION Audio | M-Audio | Marantz Professional | MixMeister | Numark | SONiVOX


finally, sorted... all working.. thanks simon


sbangs_air wrote:Having spoken with our engineers, we expect a resolution for this issue in our upcoming 2.0.6 update.
Which will be launched along side Akai Pro VIP 1.1.
And when will that be?


When it happens (TM).


EvilDragon wrote:When it happens (TM).
Thank you very much for this valuable information.

I don't think it too much too ask for a time horizon regarding an update that is supposed to solve huge bugs.

If you haven't got any valuable information why comment?


Because this is a public forum and we have a certain freedom of speech :)

Your guess is as good as mine. It's probably not smart to commit to any release date as far as AIR Tech is concerned (since they obviously can't stick to a firm release date), so just be patient if you want to. If not... well there's the marketplace.


EvilDragon wrote:Because this is a public forum and we have a certain freedom of speech :)

Your guess is as good as mine. It's probably not smart to commit to any release date as far as AIR Tech is concerned (since they obviously can't stick to a firm release date), so just be patient if you want to. If not... well there's the marketplace.
Well I haven't guessed. I have asked AIR a question. I didn't ask for a specific date I asked for a time horizon. So are we talking 1-2 month or Christmas. The development isn't totally out of control is it?.

And you didn't guess. It was just a provocation. By the way you seem to be associated or related to them in some way.

Good to know we have freedom of speech ;-). So much to learn...


I'm not associated nor related to AIR Tech. Just a regular customer, like you.


EvilDragon wrote:I'm not associated nor related to AIR Tech. Just a regular customer, like you.
Ok. You just seem to always defend them (not only in this thread). I was thinking that it might were you that were responsible for that crappy gui problem? :D.

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