Zen Plus??

Official support for: bigtickaudio.com


nielsdolieslager wrote:The morphing between different plugins, doesn't Kore do that using the volume control of the different engines? lol. That's the way I do it ;)
No it morphs between params - it's not simple fading.

Aside from that can people please not bring the wider Kore issues here? - the focus is on Zen and this is the Zen forum. I know I mentioned it at the start but that was just for context - I'm sure Big Tick doesn't want us dropping all our problems on him.


lol, something for the far future: I stopped integrating my only hardware module, the Fantom XR, into recording projects. It would be nice if a program like Zen would have a sort of controlling for hardware so hardware sounds could be integrated in the sound library. I know there are some nice sounds in my Fantom but I never bother to try them in a mix because it disrupts the workflow that Kore 2 offers.
Yes, see the last item in the Zen roadmap.


aMUSEd wrote:
nielsdolieslager wrote:I'm sure Big Tick doesn't want us dropping all our problems on him.
Not if this is a free of charge project. This could be a serious business opportunity though. It's possible to make a better program then Kore.

I'm looking forward to the hardware integration, excellent :)


ok guys, I am definitely willing to hear about your request for filling the gap between Kore (RIP) and Zen. Many of these features are already planned: more user controls, morphing, meta-presets, FX support, ... Moreover, these features are not necessarily hard to implement!

The hardest part, really, is all the UI-related stuff: how do you add these in an interface that's consistent, easy to use, pleasing to the eye, doesn't requires hundreds of pages, ...

So my point is... when suggesting features, please also think of how it should integrate. Include screenshots if you can...


And btw, for all of you in New York City... I'll be demo'ing Zen at the next Music:Tech meetup (Jun 21st).



Big Tick wrote:ok guys, I am definitely willing to hear about your request for filling the gap between Kore (RIP) and Zen. Many of these features are already planned: more user controls, morphing, meta-presets, FX support, ... Moreover, these features are not necessarily hard to implement!

The hardest part, really, is all the UI-related stuff: how do you add these in an interface that's consistent, easy to use, pleasing to the eye, doesn't requires hundreds of pages, ...

So my point is... when suggesting features, please also think of how it should integrate. Include screenshots if you can...
Great :)

Well, the Alchemy player interface and the Kore 2 interface work for me.
http://hangout.altsounds.com/attachment ... een1_1.jpg
Kore 2 only uses 8 knobs but has a slide down menu that allows different "pages" that give the knobs different functions. They are above the sound variations.
http://media.createdigitalmedia.net/kor ... owse_t.jpg

Would it be wrong, if you don't have the full Kore yourself, to suggest that you download the Kore 2 manual so we can refer to pages in there ;)

Takes away a lot of excitement but why invent the wheel twice.

Do you have an idea of how to migrate the library users made in Kore to Zen?


nielsdolieslager wrote:Do you have an idea of how to migrate the library users made in Kore to Zen?
Can't be done, I'm afraid, since .ksd is a undocumented format.


Big Tick wrote:
nielsdolieslager wrote:Do you have an idea of how to migrate the library users made in Kore to Zen?
Can't be done, I'm afraid, since .ksd is a undocumented format.
Now I feel screwed over by NI even more, grrrrr. All things pass, I know...


Big Tick wrote:
nielsdolieslager wrote:Do you have an idea of how to migrate the library users made in Kore to Zen?
Can't be done, I'm afraid, since .ksd is a undocumented format.
The two things Kore did that are important to me are the libarian feature - I need a way to sanely browse Komplete 7 - and to do so from the hardware controller.

Hopefully NI will release a conversion tool (or the documentation) for .ksd following Kore's demise.

How feasible is it to add support for hardware browsing to Zen? Ie. via MIDI sysex to a DIY controller ala midibox.org.



You can already send previous/next preset changes to Zen using midi CC. Did you mean, actually running preset searches from a hardware controller ? The obvious candidate would be an IPad... Otherwise, it is not hard to trigger preset searches based on any kind of event, it's just that I'm not sure how the midibox.org controller would work.


Yes, ideally being able to view and choose categories and presets direct from a hardware controller, not just next/previous buttons. I'm not actually familiar enough with MIDI/sysex to know if that's the best way, but as far as I know that's how devices such as the Mackie Control Universal communicate channel names etc.


fb_ wrote:Yes, ideally being able to view and choose categories and presets direct from a hardware controller, not just next/previous buttons. I'm not actually familiar enough with MIDI/sysex to know if that's the best way, but as far as I know that's how devices such as the Mackie Control Universal communicate channel names etc.
I also added this yesterday to the wishlist.


have been thinking about this transferring of libraries... the fastest way to batch import presets of a plugin would be to drag and drop from a plugin's preset folder (using Finder or Explorer) into the Zen browser and let Zen ask "what plugin are these presets for".


If your presets are in fxp format, this is more or less what Zen already does. Unfortunately, I'm afraid your presets are in ksd format, which is only readable by Kore and other NI plugins.


It might be worth asking NI if they'd let you in on .ksd via some sort of license ?
I don't have anything against gravity but it really does weigh me down

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