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Official support for: xoxos


- an improved snare model?
- fauna2?
- string machine tuned to 'bass' activity (with thumb and finger fretboard snaps)

the free piano sounds interesting, as does Jakes suggestion of 'big' resonators; a massive gong and bell, despite the potential lewd jokes, would be fairly awesome.

looking forward to any new models you are willing to model, if you see what i mean! :)


i'm reading them :) the popularity of some models might be a factor.

ftr i attempted a mass-spring gong recently which has the low end down, though it will probably require a bit of fiddling before there's a convincing high end. there's other things i'll be working on first.

i am quite sure i won't be modeling any bells, bowls, wineglasses or anything that similarly propogates sinusoids this year ;) last march this sweet old homeless cat adopted me. until i started developing singing bowl models :shock:
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


Hi xoxos, been playing around with adsr scaling. I think theres a whole lot more can be done, but I have an experimental SE project in which I have to some extent addressed the issue I mentioned earlier in this thread re. throwing higher freqs forward at the attack phase of a sound.

Yeah, thats easy, but in keeping with my waveshaping/warping stuff of late, and learning a bit of economy ... and also in recognition of my areas of interest coinciding to an extent with dover's, This project uses only one adsr, with scaling vcas doing the rest.

If you are interested in having a look/play with what I have so far, then PM me and I'll get it to you. If it has no bearing on where you're going with this proj/thread, then no big deal!

Gimme a shout!



nollock sorted the phase calc for allpasses for me in the dsp forum :) it's a generic method, other techniques can make interesting timbres..

the allpass, having phase dependent responsivity, propogates higher frequencies faster.. if you see it on a delay loop, the freqs will "separate" and "slide around" instead of the static oscilloscope "diminishing peaks" one sees in an unfiltered delay.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


Prepared Piano - set up per note.

yeehah, CPU/GUI heaven!


there might be a large untapped market in churches looking to replace pipe organs.

and a lot of organists would love to be able to get that sound at home.

someone could come along and with lots of nice graphics on the gui and a reasonably close set of models be chargin whatever they want for em.


i hadn't planned it as it's not a more versatile tone, though i'll keep it in mind :)

i've said it before and i'll say it again - give me a roof, water, some countryside and a place to plug in and you can have free vst for the next 25 years.

you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


anything bowed
TONEDEAD Love Sharts


hardly worth uploading the file because the mp3 is so quiet (before encoding)

this is only the string model, no body and impromptu impulse model. i've implemented orthagonal waveguide coupling per julius smith - separate waveguides for horizontal and vertical axes.

this means 2x as many delay lines and filters for the string, however you can hear phase beating in this model that's pretty interesting.. the very tail of the decay can exaggerate the beating you'd hear in an acoustic string. imo discernably more acoustic sounding than a single axis waveguide. julius.


i found a paper by julius on a cello model from 1982. it's a very basic karplus-strong model that uses an impulse train to trigger wavecycles.

it doesn't sound so bad and is easy to include the option in the plucked string model.

so maybe multiple 'bowed' instruments :)
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


I second the blown string proposition that was made :D
an Aeolian Harp model would be beautiful & unique,
I first heard one on this great album ... barek-dis/

played by the winds above a Norwegian fjord,
it can be heard in the soundclips of tracks 3,1 & 6 ...

you can listen to a full track here :

& I just googled & found that people are actually manufacturing & selling
such instruments, there are many different models with many shapes,
sizes & tunings, numbers & types of strings & resonators ...
here are a few of them, with soundclips :

(this one plays automatically)

another kind of wind harp/bow here with human interaction involving a skin membrane drum, a stick, sand & a bow,
the bowed sounclip sounds a bit like a wooky :)
(the english translation is on the right side of the page) :

& several very cool experiments with soundclips made by the same people here :o

no soundclip here but an article on AEOLIAN VIBRATION with a picture of
a "Typical vortex path shed from the red cylinder on the left, as fluid moves to the right" :shock: :)


& this link

to a "Synopsis of Lift, Drag, and Vortex Frequency Data for Rigid Circular Cylinders" ...
I clicked it by curiosity but I quickly realised that I don't & won't get it,
it seems totally 'out there' to me but I'm sure that you could find it inspiring ;) ...

& this
mentions the "von Karman vortex street effect" & also John Strutt, 3rd Baron Rayleigh who apparently "first solved the mystery of aeolian harp in a paper published in the Philosophy Magazine",
& also "explained why the sky is blue" 8) ...

I hope that you'll find that inspiring,
& I hope that you'll build a wind-harp model someday :P
that would really be amazing ! :-o :D


i don't recall the name of the installation in san francisco that has a few dozen pipes that are played by the tide.


(do you know d.e.? :harp: )
quoted to avoid unnecessary expansion - good music
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.


fizzy, not flat: mo fizz

fizmo ain't no gizmo


I did notice that Surface was purposefully excluded from the list :hihi:



i've finished the structure for my cymbal model synth (audio here isn't quite finished)

people often ask for multitimbral.. what i'm doing is running this as 5 timbres (across six keys repeated across the keyboard.. two keys for hihat).

the current project is the snare.. i'm not sure, due to the expense, whether i'll do that as a multitimbral with five non-snare membranes. these are 'round,' 2d. the model retains striking position harmonics in the same way that surface does :)

i'm fairly determined to make this work. if the drums aren't viable, or if they are, i expect the next thing (before fauna2) will be a modal drum model. extreme drum synth seems to have this fairly well taken care of, i expect that, not being overly informed of it's featureset or functionality, i may produce something with a discretely different set of qualities. or maybe further exploration into percussion modeling.

fizmo... i used to own one a loong time ago. my thought is that sample-based synthesis (wavetable and granular being conceptually similar) are likely to wait until i switch sdks. i'm not aware of how to report latency from synthedit, and using fft oscillators would improve things there.
you come and go, you come and go. amitabha neither a follower nor a leader be tagore "where roads are made i lose my way" where there is certainty, consideration is absent.

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