The rules of music

Chords, scales, harmony, melody, etc.


Dude f**k Fux.

He basically turned music theory in to music comformity


The first rule of fight clu... oh, f**k it.

The internet has had enough of that meme.


Andywanders wrote:Rule No.1

"Just pick it up and blow it man."


I think you will find that guys like these don't just,"pick it up and blow" even if they may think they do.

They most likely learned lots of theory either directly or indirectly by listening to others and then internalized that knowledge to the point where they now can just pick it up and blow.



"Just pick it up and blow it man."
Now with improved MIDI jitter!


Chase wrote:Dude fcuk Fux.

He basically turned music theory in to music comformity
No he didn't. Don't be silly.
Now with improved MIDI jitter!


.. we have a very interesting case here at the moment while rehearsing a certain song. at one point of the song tobi and me sing together in a way that isnt really musically correct. we know this cause one of the keyboardists is a musicteacher and simply cant live with the way we sing this little part together. (both voices are singing a diffrent line). he says "thats not right! it cant be done like that", while the others and me say "hey, it may be "wrong", but it sounds good!" .. :hihi:



Everything you do is musically incorrect but, Putte :) LOL.... That's why we like it

Putte for President..... haha


daGuru wrote:Putte for President..... haha
.. the only thing i would care for would be that everybody´s got their Schnitzel right* .. :lol:

*in the fridge



But who would "prepare" your Schnitzel, Putte? ... Monica Lewinski, maybe...... LOL


Ah, species counterpoint.

Here's the deal with Fux: Reading the authoritative way in which he makes his pronouncements can be by funny and frustrating by turns. But behind all of that 'do this because I told you to' attitude is a great deal of information.

It is indeed true that modern music is filled with things like parallel fifths (and more subtle infractions like hidden fifths), and no, one should not abandon or denigrate all of ones favorite artists on the advice of an eighteenth century pedagogue.

But if one wants smooth, flowing, independent musical lines, the pronouncements of said pedagogue become very useful. And if anyone were to actually subject ones self to the full rigor of old fashioned species counterpoint training, they would find themselves to be more, not less of a musician when they were done.

But if not, that’s fine, too. It's all about personal development.

Whatever works, as Bruce Lee said.



herodotus wrote: It is indeed true that modern music is filled with things like parallel fifths (and more subtle infractions like hidden fifths), and no, one should not abandon or denigrate all of ones favorite artists on the advice of an eighteenth century pedagogue.

But if one wants smooth, flowing, independent musical lines, the pronouncements of said pedagogue become very useful.
Yeah. The point that a lot of people miss is that the 'rules' are actually guidelines for producing a particular effect. Parallel fifths are a bad thing if you want to maintain the independence of your melodic lines, but if you don't give a monkey's about that then feel free to use them. But the writers of species counterpoint books assume that you want to produce 18th century style counterpoint, so they don't bother to keep putting in the conditionals, and people read this as a universal law and get annoyed about it...


I don´t care of music rules. The only thing that counts for me is that I want to enjoy a song, whatever rules are used or not.

So, if the following guy makes good music, I will enjoy it


but NOT this one


Andreas (I presume my forefathers were apes)

Image Listen to some Monkey-Music


From the images alone I can't tell the difference :) LOL


The chimp's playing a slightly different guitar in the bottom one.
Now with improved MIDI jitter!



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