Zebralette 3 Wavetable Engine Discussion

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Hi @Urs !!

First and foremost, thank you for such an incredible synth.
I have some suggestions!

Non-realtime FXs:

I use Zebralette as transwave creation tool for my Ensoniqs,
and I´d love to have the FXs incorporated into the wavetable and wavetable export.
I was thinking of a way to implement it. It'd be something like UPAWs in Waldorf Microwaves… you have an “algorithm”, and then initial (A) and final (B) values. The synth creates the wavetable algorithmically from those values.
We could have FX1 and FX2 somewhere below the Morph or Shape tools area. These wouldn´t be realtime fxs, but would be applied across the whole wavetable.

FX1: Delta X
Start: 44 End: 16
(plus the other fixed parameters like transfer and index)

So the first frame will be a 44 value and the last one will be 16.

On top of that, we could replace Start and End values with Guide 1-3. So it doesn't have to be a linear transition.

I know not all FXs can be applied to a wavetable, like Spectral Noise. (although it might be interesting to try)

Another suggestion!

Guide transforms:

I´d add some simple mathematical functions like add, multiply, etc.
With add, for example, you could make harmonics on a guide, and add them to a sine to make additive synthesis. Or ring mod effects with multiply.

Shape Tools:

Why not incorporate a sine wave? I find myself always making waves with the cosine shape and then rotating them to turn them into sines.

Curves storage:

What about a little menu where you can save/load curves (waveforms) /guides, where the waves are available globally, independent of the project? There could also be a similar menu on the MSEG.
Imagine auditioning the waves in real time while scrolling on a list of stored waves, even if the wave is in the middle of a wavetable…you could have an instant feedback of how the wavetable is going to sound.

Well, this is my little contribution. Cheers!

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