Designing Sci-Fi Sounds in the midrange

How to make that sound...
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I've started this new workflow that I find super satisfying. I'll put an EQ on a synth track, cutting above about 1500hz and below about 300hz. Then I sound design on the synth until it sounds how I want. I'll usually duplicate the track and do different sound design on the 2nd one, and then get a nice little call and response going between the two.

I just find focusing on the midrange helps me really get the best, spacious sci fi sounds that I'm going for, stuff that really reminds me of out space and futuristic starships and satellites and such. When i'm done I might change the EQ a bit and open it up a bit more or what not. I think I really felt a lot more of the sci fi sounds I liked were in the much higher freq ranges- tech blips and chirps, etc. These are for sure nice touches, but I've realized a really solid midrange sound seems to have much more impact on creating a deep sci fi soundscape instantly. Anyone do stuff like this or have any other ideas?


It's a not well known trick but it really helps when mixing.

This guy explains it very well ... cmFuZ2U%3D
CHOOSX Remakes on my Youtube Channel


yeah I've def seen that video some time ago... for sure helpful. but I find putting the restrictive EQ on the chain before I start making sounds really helps me to see what types of sounds and FX can best utilize that band of freqs, and also makes it easier to make helpful decisions on what to do with the sound.

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