Plugin Modulation Resolution from DAW?

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Wondering if modulationg VST pugins is always crippled by Midi Resolution (0-127) or if DAWS use some special program Interface to up the resolution somehow.

If I draw a Automation curve in Ableton for example it's still in a 127 resolution, but Ableton's M4L LFO seems to be Audio Rate and also seems to be modulatin parameters of it's native plugins in a higher resolution, but I'm not sure about VST3

I never really looked into OSC, I would imagine plugins that support OSC would let their parameters be modulated at a higher resolution from an outside input?

Maybe someone can clue me in



afaik all VST parameters are floating point values between 0.0 and 1.0, even on/off switches.
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Midi 2.0 offers higher resolution, but it needs to be supported in the DAW (and plugins?).


docbot wrote: Thu Mar 21, 2024 10:36 am If I draw a Automation curve in Ableton for example it's still in a 127 resolution,
what makes you think that?
and what 'automation curves' are you talking about? track parameters? VST automation? MIDI CCs? please explain what you're doing.

but Ableton's M4L LFO seems to be Audio Rate
but that has nothing to do with resolution,
my other modular synth is a bugbrand

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