U-he plugins suggestions: Polyphonic Aftertouch

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On synths that feature a virtual piano keyboard, such as Hive 2 and Repro-5, clicking near the bottom of a key the synth plays a note velocity close to 127, and clicking near the top plays a note velocity close to 0. Today I ordered a Korg Keystage which has poly AT but I won't receive it till Thursday, and just now I was trying to modulate a parameter in Hive 2 using poly AT and, without a keyboard with poly AT, I found myself clicking and swiping up on the virtual piano keys hopign Hive 2 might actually interpret that gesture as "increase poly pressure", but it didn't work. So my feature suggestion is that it would be a nice feature if U-he synths that have a virtual keyboard could interpret the swipe-up gesture as "increase poly pressure" and the swipe-down as reduce poly pressure. Hopefully that makes sense. :D


All our synths support PolyAT.


Urs wrote: ↑Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:58 am All our synths support PolyAT.
On the gui kybd? That's what he is asking for.


Urs wrote: ↑Wed Mar 06, 2024 7:58 am All our synths support PolyAT.
Sure, I know that! What I meant was for the GUI to offer a way to play polyAT using the mouse. Unless I've missed something (very possible), the virtual keyboard emulates velocity depending on which part of the key I click. I would like sliding the mouse up/down on the keys to trigger aftertouch, this way I could hear what it sounds like even if I don't have a polyAT controller available.


Ah, ok, got it.

Hmmm... how about XY-movement... PolyAT vertical and Control A/Timbre horizontal. Or maybe a choice.

As long as people don't ask for multi touch, because that's a whole different discussion.


Urs wrote: ↑Wed Mar 06, 2024 8:20 am Ah, ok, got it.

Hmmm... how about XY-movement... PolyAT vertical and Control A/Timbre horizontal. Or maybe a choice.

As long as people don't ask for multi touch, because that's a whole different discussion.
That would be even better! The only thing (and personally I don't mind but some might) is that at the moment X movement does glissando. I was actually going to suggest that, if this feature was implemented, perhaps glissando should be disabled, this way the Y-movement would be constrained to the one key, even if the mouse wanders off sideways over other keys (what matters is where the mouse was initially clicked). Assuming some users prefer the glissando action, maybe an option to choose between (a) glissando or (b) XY movement would keep everyone happy. But as I said, I don't care for glissando and if I had to choose I'd choose XY movement.

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