I am searching for a auto gain rider like vocal rider. Which version to choose?

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Theres so many gain staging plugins that I am unsure which one to pick.

It is mainly for vocals, so I am afraid to use a normalize vst.

Ive read the VU meter has auto gain like vocal rider, but I want to be sure which plugin to get for my need.


Waves Vocal Rider is a perfectly fine rider plugin. It comes with decent documentation, there are lots of videos if you need help or inspiration, Waves support is top notch in my experience.

You could spare a few bucks going Hornet, but I'm not a big fan of the developer's habit of creating n variations of the same plugin.
It's confusing, error-prone when purchasing, and a way to sell new versions.
Others may applaud the flexibility.

Anyhow there's at least Hornet AutoGain, AutoGain Pro and AutoGain Pro Mk2.

You may also want to try the demo version of TBProAudio's GainRider, especially if you like to control lots of parameters.

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