ChatGPT writing controller scripts

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My request: Write a bitwig controller script in java for controlling a step sequencer

Okay, it’s more like template but not bad for the start. I‘ll try to dig into this some more.

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// Import the necessary classes from the Bitwig Controller API
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.ControllerHost;
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.Track;
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.ClipLauncherSlot;

// Create a class that implements the Extension interface
public class StepSequencerScript implements Extension
  // Declare variables for the host, track, and clip launcher slot
  private ControllerHost host;
  private Track track;
  private ClipLauncherSlot slot;

  // Implement the init() method to store a reference to the host and get a reference to the track and clip launcher slot
  public void init(final ControllerHost host)
  { = host;
    track = host.createTrack("My Track", "My Track", 0, 0, true);
    slot = track.clipLauncherSlotBank().getItemAt(0);

  // Implement the flush() method to set up listeners for the clip launcher slot's step sequencer
  public void flush()

  // Implement the handleNoteEvent() method to respond to changes in the step sequencer's note data
  private void handleNoteEvent(int step, int note)
    // Insert code here to handle the note event, such as setting the note value for the specified step

  // Implement the handleVelocityEvent() method to respond to changes in the step sequencer's velocity data
  private void handleVelocityEvent(int step, int velocity)
    // Insert code here to handle the velocity event, such as setting the velocity value for the specified step


Write a bitwig controller script in Java for the AKAI Fire that is a drum sequencer

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import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.ControllerHost; 
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.CursorTrack; 
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.DrumPad; 
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.DrumPadBank; 
import com.bitwig.extension.controller.api.Track; 

public class AKAIFireDrumSequencer
    private final ControllerHost host; 
    private CursorTrack cursorTrack; 
    private DrumPadBank drumPadBank; 

    public AKAIFireDrumSequencer(ControllerHost host) 
    { = host; 

    private void init() 
        // Get references to the CursorTrack and DrumPadBank 
        cursorTrack = host.createCursorTrack(null, 0, 0); 
        drumPadBank = cursorTrack.createDrumPadBank(16); 

        // Set up the DrumPadBank callbacks 

        // Set up the DrumPadBank to receive input from the controller 
        for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) 
            DrumPad drumPad = drumPadBank.getItemAt(i); 

    private void onNoteInput(DrumPad pad, int note, int velocity) 
        Track track = pad.track();; 

        // Trigger the note 
        track.startNote(note, velocity, 0); 


This is really wicked man. were you able to get anything else out of it?


These were just two quick tries and I didn't do anything else. For the AKAI Fire, it created some code that could be the base for a 4x4 drum pad controller but the AKAI Fire is not like that. So ChatGPT obviously does not really understand what kind of controller the AKAI Fire is. Anyway, it's quite amazing what it generated but I doubt that it is really useful. Maybe as a starting point.


Wow, that is amazing!

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