Confusion on the Normalize plugin and the VU Meter MK3

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I usually gain stage using -18dBFS. Peaks at -10.

Can't the Meter do what the normalize plugin does.

Also, I am confused about this mix at -23LUFS new thing? So, should I have tracks gain staged at -23LUFS or -18dBFS? Or is the -23 LUFS where the Master should be hitting before mastering?

When do you use what?


theNormalizer has many of the features you may find in the VUMeter; it makes normalization but it has not a VU Meter and it offers more measurement units (dBFS, VU, RMS, LUFS) and it has a fixed reference to -18dB (while in VUMeter you set the reference).

you may find the plugin manual into the plugin folder you can download from your hornet account:

Since you own the VUMeter there is no need for buying other stuff (in my opinion).

For the gain staging, I suggest setting every track to -18dBFS and bouncing the track once you have finished with the AUTO gain.

Have a look at the routine of this hornet user:

or this one:

or -of course- the Saverio's overview of the VUMeterMK4:

you may also check a topic in our KVR forum about mixing.


Hope it helps


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I was finding that VU Meter Mark IV was creating a fade-in at the first note of each track I applied it to in DSP-Quattro (latest version) so I went back to apply it in Digital Performer (latest version also) to see if it happened there, but it crashes Digital Performer...

2015 iMac, 32G RAM, Monterey 12.5


Here's the crashed thread:

Thread 3 Crashed:: Audio Cache Worker
0 libc++.1.dylib 0x7ff81ae5e734 std::__1::basic_string<char, std::__1::char_traits<char>, std::__1::allocator<char> >::__assign_external(char const*, unsigned long) + 120
1 HoRNetVUMeterMK4 0x1f1319d08 HoRNetVUMeterMK4::OnReset() + 984
2 HoRNetVUMeterMK4 0x1f12d2ac5 iplug::IPlugAU::AUMethodReset(void*, unsigned int, unsigned int) + 21
3 MAS AudioUnit Support 0x146b265c2 MasAUSupportProc::Hook(int, void const*, void*) + 88
4 MotuAudioSystem 0x102fd1dd6 MasWriteStandardAutomatableSurroundSetting + 86086
5 MotuAudioSystem 0x102ff5c07 MasWriteStandardAutomatableSurroundSetting + 233079
6 MotuAudioSystem 0x102f46842 MAS83210 + 50
7 Digital Performer 0x10044842a StateMachine<Timebase::ClockMode>::StateMachine(std::__1::shared_ptr<Timebase::ClockMode>) + 3872186
8 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104bd1bf2 PerfPlayTrack::doSilentPrime(MotuMutexLite::Lock&, bool) + 66
9 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104bd2563 PerfPlayTrack::handlePlay(MotuMutexLite::Lock&, bool) + 99
10 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104bd20ae PerfPlayTrack::ProcessInputQueue(MotuMutexLite::Lock&, PerfPlayTrack::ScheduleContext) + 126
11 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104bd13d8 PerfPlayTrack::Schedule(MotuMutexLite::Lock&, PerfPlayTrack::ScheduleContext) + 24
12 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104bd1360 PerfPlayTrack::Run() + 304
13 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104d17b5c PerfAudioPlayTrackMgr::DoWork() + 364
14 PerfEngine.dylib 0x104d04669 PerfAudioCache::PeriodicWorker::RunHook(void*) + 57
15 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81aefc4e1 _pthread_start + 125
16 libsystem_pthread.dylib 0x7ff81aef7f6b thread_start + 15

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