Vice 2.0 *Public Beta* Released

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Vice 2.0 is now available for testing as public beta.
49 euros for version 1 users. Also any purchases from now will receive a free upgrade and there is a grace period from August 1st 2020 (anyone who purchased since then should have already see a V2 licence in your account).

Here is a list of new features for VICE 2.0:

REX import (including REX slice api when exporting slices)
Phrase (Play Through) play mode
Play mode 'Slice Shift' (groove adjustment)
Slice Unlink option (independent length)
Slice Looping
Individual MIDI key-assignment per Slice
Import Stylus RMX Banks
Pitch inc buttons (use +/- keys)
MP3 support
My Samples & My Presets tag-based database views
Additional LFO and Mod Env per slice
Drag-drop modulation assignment
Additional FX modes
Aux sends


FYI we have just released 2.0006, which has now fixed all of the bugs reported so far.

You can download it from the User Area.

* RMX import could crash
* Set Value could be out of range
* Numeric Enter key not working on OSX
* Offline Activation response file couldn't be selected on OSX
* Destructive trim is now correctly applied to trim markers
* Drag and drop from internal browser was broken
* Loop region display was incorrect sometimes
* Keyboard input lost on filebrowser sometimes
* VST was listed as FX in some hosts
* MIDI export was broken
* OSX installer had an error message on some systems
* AU could crash
James Walker-Hall


I’m not sure if I missed it but does Vice 2 have a reverse function at the end of a slice when doing one shots? My Motif es6 has a slice function where if I play a slice forward then it’ll reverse at the end. Great feature for slices that have an abrupt ending


The tail generation feature takes care of that for you

Additionally, you can enable forward reverse looping and add a release envelope to do it manually.
James Walker-Hall

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