Simple Chord Voicing Question

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-I'm having some trouble understanding basic chord voicings. Say I define a chord as Am7, so A C E G.
-Next I go into the phrase editor and I delete the root or the A leaving C E G and apply that.
-When I go out to the composition I would like to drag that around as inversions snapping ONLY to C E G. The bass will be playing the root.
-What happens when I drag the chord through the inversions it still snaps to the A root which I want omitted but still identified as labeled as Am7.
-Is there any way of doing what I'm trying to do? Thanks for any help!
"and the Word was Sound..."


Try using the builder. Click on the chord in the master track,click on the pallet icon, then click the builder tab, set the chord to the inversion you prefer, then when you drag the phrase up or down, it will lock to that inversion. Just a heads up, the note names in the phrase will not change correctly, meaning the 3rd, 5th, etc., does not update.. It is a known issue.


Thanks BluGenes, I was just heading down that road, appreciate it! I haven't used RC as much as I would have liked. Thanks for heads up on the note names, I'm sure that would have drove me nuts...
"and the Word was Sound..."


You can deselect 'A' in the voicing editor of the master track, so 'A' won't be used for the inversions:


This has the disadvantage that other tracks also cannot access note 'A'...
Fortunately you can assign a voicing to a track or to individual phrases in RapidComposer.
Open the track inspector, click on Chord Voicing -> Edit Voicing. Click on "Show 7th" to edit the voicing for 4-note chords. Deselect the root note on the keyboard.


This has the same effect without affecting other tracks.

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