Feature(s) which keep MuLab from being your primary DAW?

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Don't get me wrong, I use VST's too. But for basic stuff like amp env, filter and distortion, I feel these aren't as good as they could, or maybe, should be.

Sorry for the negative criticism Jo, I do hope it's taken constructively, it's only meant that way. ;)


sl23 wrote: Tue Jan 29, 2019 11:33 pm
SparkySpark wrote: Mon Jan 28, 2019 5:12 pmI don't think any DAW maker believes the users should only run their stock fx - where's the fun in that?
Lets say you choose to use only VST's, well then you miss the point of MuLab.
MuLab without MuX is a lonely proposition! MuX is MuLab's greatest strength imo..
So if the modules in MuX don't perform as you'd expect, you're left only with a sequencer.
I think you miss my point?

Though I do understand what you are trying to say, it's a very mute point.
Well, he provides a pretty cool set of tools here.

I think he calls em' MuTools. :hihi: And I think that there may be more coming.

I see what you are saying, but to extend functionality is what plug-ins are for. MuLab's VST handling is just the dope. But I think he already knows that. Except that I want better plug-in management!

What is your point? The Mux hosting only VSTs could be uber cool. Many, many possibilities. But the Mux modules are great too.

And your point is? :hihi: Are you saying Mux modules are shitty? Come on, say it...

SAY IT!!! :hihi: :lol: :hihi: :lol:


:hihi: Just for any newcomers to MuLab visiting this thread: the included effects in MuLab/MUX are actually highly acclaimed by both users and reviewers.

s123: perhaps you'd prefer Dead Duck Software's impressive fx array? I personally don't think there is much of a difference (and I don't know which ones would win in a shootout) but maybe YOU'd prefer the Dead Duck thingies, and that's all that matters in your case of course. If so, then problem solved. :wink:

Naturally there are many others that can be helpful, and that live happily in the VST folder with no problems. I'm thinking TAL Reverb 2, Zynaptiq's Subspace (if you want the best clean reverb money can't buy), TDR's freebies, Sonic Anomaly's Transpire and Unlimited and a bunch of compressors, plus Izotope's Elements suites on one buck sales and Melda's freeware suite. All of these, including the MuTools fx could easily be used on any album today, perhaps with the exception of the main reverb.

Also consider that the stock fx in MuLab are extremely light on the CPU, so using something else on anything but mastering or vocals and piano seems excessive to me personally.

But I wholeheartedly agree with you that it's tiresome with installers pointlessly putting files all over the place. I'd much prefer just downloading dll's, or perhaps a folder with a dll and a readme file.

Have fun!
Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:15 pm Passing Bye wrote:
"look at SparkySpark's post 4 posts up, let that sink in for a moment"
Go MuLab!


No no no! I'm not trying to say they're shitty. Just in need of some fine tuning. Generally they're great, but when I first started making patches in MuLab, it took me a good 30 mins or more to figure out how to get the correct ADSR settings! Never had that issue with any hardware or software before.

To this day, I still don't get why it doesn't work in the expected way. When I get a chance I'll go bk, check it out and post here what the problem is.

As for VST's there are indeed many good ones out there, but I just want simplicity instead of a hundred controls for something that doesn't need it. For example, kjaerhus plugins were great, simple and very effective. The limiter being a good choice for me. It does exactly what it says. It stops the volume increasing over a threshold. MuLab limiter doesn't do this, why? I've spent hours trying to get it to work that way but it simply will not function as a limiter! I don't want to hunt for a VST when there's an arsenal of modules included.

If we ignore the built in stuff, Jo can use his time for other things. I love the modular area and just asking for improvements really.


As for a limiter, maybe the included module itself doesnt do it but there is Maximizer3 that I think does (as well as being a maximizer obviously :) ) Its in the MuLib under Effects/ Urvieh
Beauty is only skin deep,
Ugliness, however, goes right the way through


Thanks for the dead duck tip. Just what I've been looking for.

The maximiser is better but still doesn't limit the level. Already tried it. But thanks for trying to help.


Simply that it is not designed for live use. But the MUX plugin is INDISPENSIBLE in the host that I do use. Sadly the midi mono-izer thingie doesn't work right so I have to go through contortions with workarounds and I don't look forward to buying a MULAB upgrade just to get that one. single. thing. Oh well... perfection is always 'just around the corner', I live in what my dad used to call Next Year Country.


sl23 wrote: Wed Jan 30, 2019 1:30 pm Thanks for the dead duck tip. Just what I've been looking for.

The maximiser is better but still doesn't limit the level. Already tried it. But thanks for trying to help.
Great! :) Had a feeling the Dead Duck effects would be tasty to you. :wink:

I attach an img of a MUX brick wall limiter. The key if you want an absolute highest volume is set it to Hard mode; otherwise it will ever so gently still increase the volume a hair, even at extreme settings. (The rest of the settings in the img were just to check that the effect works appropriately.) I use this in my Temperance synth and it works fine there as well (but I set it to soft mode there for musical reasons).
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Thu Oct 01, 2020 1:15 pm Passing Bye wrote:
"look at SparkySpark's post 4 posts up, let that sink in for a moment"
Go MuLab!


Oh nice one thanks sparky :)
One down!


Don't understand why I couldn't get it to work before! Strange.

I have to admit, MuLab's lingo confuses me a lot at times! So used to hardware!


My fascination for MuLab has waned, I'm not sure there are any features that could change
that. Maybe some snazzy UI changes and more complexity on the modular side. In any event,
I will continue to upgrade the MUX indefinitely, I imagine.


I know what you mean. Graphically, it is in serious need of attention! It looks very outdated these days. Though I love it's simplicity!

Look at those DeadDuck VST's for an example of quality yet simple graphics. If MuLab looked like that, it would be far more appealing I reckon.

As for the MuX, for me it's enough. I only dabble with it now and then. But I imagine for those who like to delve deep it has limits?


sl23 wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:31 am Wait note for recording is my main issue with MuLab. I've even been looking sporadically at either reason or reaper. Possibly anything else that may have this. Even tempted to go back to hardware!

If you don't know what wait note is, it's simply where pressing record arms the sequencer by pausing it and awaiting an input, either midi or audio set by db level. This activates recording by unpausing the sequencer and commences recording on the specified track.
I just came across this video of Roland's new Fantom Workstation'
At 41.24 there is a brief explanation of Wait Note.


I'm still trying to figure out all the possibilities in the M8 update. I need new features in my brain and fingers :pray:


sl23 wrote: Fri Sep 20, 2019 7:07 pm
sl23 wrote: Sat Jan 26, 2019 2:31 am Wait note for recording is my main issue with MuLab. I've even been looking sporadically at either reason or reaper. Possibly anything else that may have this. Even tempted to go back to hardware!

If you don't know what wait note is, it's simply where pressing record arms the sequencer by pausing it and awaiting an input, either midi or audio set by db level. This activates recording by unpausing the sequencer and commences recording on the specified track.
I just came across this video of Roland's new Fantom Workstation'
At 41.24 there is a brief explanation of Wait Note.
Exactly why is this so important to you?

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