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Fyler RapidComposer


Sorry for the confusion. This is my fault. It is impossible to upload a bug fix update every time a bug is fixed with all the administration. I collect the bug fixes and will upload v3.71 in a few days. On the other hand I don't want new users affected by these bugs until v3.71 is available, so the current version is rebuilt too.

Please do not use the beta version, as v3.7 is newer.


musicdevelopments wrote: Sat Jun 15, 2019 2:30 pm Many thanks for this bug report! I have fixed this bug.
Awesome! Thanks, Attila.

Any ideas on why the graphics are not quite right? Or is that part of the bug?
-- mark.


Hi, Attila.

If I hit the "Regenerate" button in this dialog, RC 3.7 OSX crashes. In fact, seems any of those "Resize Mode" buttons will get it to segfault.

-- mark.


Hi Mark!

OMG this is a serious bug! I'll have a fix shortly.
Many thanks for reporting this!



I forgot to post yesterday that the fix for this bug is in v3.71, uploaded yesterday.
Thanks again!


Hi, Attila.

Thank you for the pointer on saving the phrase preset. Unfortunately (don't you hate that?) it doesn't quite work the way I'm thinking it should. Here is a screenshot


I'm back on the changing beat thing. After I created a custom phrase with a Division of "Bar" and drop it onto a new bar of 6 beats, I just get the 4 beats of the piece I generated the phrase from. So, while it says "Bar" it doesn't act that way.

Sorry :-(
-- mark.


Hi Mark,

it works if you insert the saved phrase by either pressing '+' or dragging and dropping, or using the top menu item in the phrase inspector "Insert 'One Bar Chord' At...". All these methods set the correct length set in the phrase browser.
It does NOT work when you insert it by double-clicking, which I am checking right now. It should work the same way as other methods.



Now I see that this behavior is intentional. :?
When you insert a phrase generator preset by double-clicking the original saved length is used (4 quarter notes in your case).
There is a slight inconsistency here, because all methods should work equally. But sometimes you need the saved length, sometimes you expect to use the length set in the phrase browser.



Hi, Attila.

Thanks, as ever, for your quick reply. To clarify, I'm seeing this behaviour when I drag-drop. It also becomes trickier. Consider this screenshot. I've dropped on a 6-beat track my One Bar saved chord preset, then opened the Phrase dialog:


Note it is saying "Bar" and the pic shows 4-beats? But I want 6-beats. If I click on 1/4, then "Bar" it remains at 4-beats. I can drag the phrase out to 6-beats, but it remains, underneath, as a 4-beat phrase, which is interesting for creating a dotted rhythm but not quite what I'd expect (maybe I'm mistaken but I'm thinking 1/4 means quarter notes/crotchets rather than 4-beats per bar?).


Or am I missing something here?
-- mark.


Hi Mark,

I suspect the "resizing mode" of the phrase is set to "Scale", and this causes confusion.
When the original length is 4 quarter notes, and you scale it to 6, you get the phrase on your screenshot.
Please make sure you save the 'one bar chord' with 'disable' or 'regenerate' as the resizing mode.
Each phrase has this setting that you can set in the phrase inspector together with the original and resized length. Do not let the "Phrase Resize" menu confuse you at the top, which will set the resizing mode for the phrases that you resize (i.e. overwrite the setting in the resized phrase).

I have tried all these on my macbook pro and it worked well here.



Hi, Attila.

Please forgive me, but I'm just not getting this. I create a one bar phrase, set the resize mode to regenerate


The save it


Start a new composition, set the beats to 6, and drop my one-bar thingy on the composition and open the phrase menu


So I'm still at 4-beats, the resize mode says "Disable" and I'm 2-beats short of the bar. Not a biggie as there is an easy workaround, just showing me I am not getting something obvious.

Thanks for your time
-- mark.


Hi Mark,

if i get it right what you were trying & just out of curiosity

did you try using Chord Generator like :
1-in the generator settings set note length shorter e.g. 1/8 or 1/16
this will allows to use any chord length in master track and Chord Generator will follow every chord changes perfectly ..
2-add the Join Notes Variation to the Track Variations and activate the "do not join notes Line & Chord boundaries" ?
in your case you get sustain chords automatically on every chord changes..
i believe it should work also with the different Time Signatures.

PS. i hope this wasn't one of my sweet senior moments .. just .. couldn't resist :)


Hi Mark,

I don't know... I did the same and it worked here. Please use the latest version, v3.71.
Yellukhan had a good suggestion, if you want just chords, highlight a track, and press Ctrl-Shift-H which will fill it with chords, and the Join Notes variation, with magnet enabled for good voice leading, as explained in this post: viewtopic.php?f=285&t=480338



Wrong Note Parameters in Composition Window

The note parameters (e.g. root, 3rd, etc.) are not displayed correctly in the Composition Window. Neither in Note Edit Mode nor in Pattern Edit Mode.
If I move a chord pattern (Note Kind "Chord") up or down, the inversions change according to the rules. Now the labeling of the notes should also change depending on the inversion. Unfortunately this is not the case. No matter which inversion is selected, it always remains with the order "root, 3rd, 5fth".
For example, in the first inversion of Cmajor, the "e", which is the third, remains labeled as the "root".

Is that a bug or a feature? :help:

Version 3.7.1, MacOS 10.14.5
I Use the Track Display Option "Show Note Parameters (Original, Not Transposed)"
BTW: What means "Original, Not Transposed" exactly?


+1 for above.. been meaning to bring that up as a topic..

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