MIDI drag & drop Studio One 4

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Hello all,

I got RC last week for Christmas and it's a great product so congrats to Attila and MusicDevelopments.

However, MIDI drag & drop is not functioning correctly with Studio One 4. It works fine from RC (as VST instrument) to S1 but not back from S1 to RC. I tried several ways to drag MIDI back to RC but no MIDI at all gets transferred back. Any ideas what I can do?

On another matter, is there a possibility in phrases to lock either notes or rhythms when randomizing a phrase? What I would like to do is write/record a MIDI part in S1 drag the MIDI to RC and have only the timing changed in the phrase but keep using the recorded notes locked.

Thanks and regards,



Welcome to the forum!
I have had the same problem with the Digital Performer for several years already .. I cannot drag the midi file from it directly to RC. Only in the computer, then in RC. I do not know why it is so (


Thanks for the welcome and your reply. It might be an issue with the DAW itself since it seems to work for the majority of users. I did also the workaround of saving the MIDI file and then importing it into RC. However, that's not very efficient.


Of course, I agree with you)


Hi Amin,

I am checking MIDI drag and drop. Are you on macOS? (I know lulukom uses macOS.) I was not able to drag MIDI from Studio One. Whenever I tried dragging selected notes, an Untitled Clipping text document was created on the desktop. Maybe I do something wrong... Is this normal? Or maybe the dragged data includes MIDI.

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Hi Attila,

I will check when I get back home.

Many thanks,



I checked the message that is dragged from Studio One but I could not find any usable data in it. I have to contact PreSonus for help.

Just to clarify: dragging a MIDI file from the Files browser work, but you would like the following to be successful:


Can you drag MIDI from these places to the desktop or to another application?

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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Hi Attila - you can drag and drop a track from S1 to a location in the file browser, pressing alt switches from music loop format to midi. This file can be dropped onto RC and it recognises the notes. However dragging straight from S1 to RC does not work.
I am working on a Macbook Pro, Studio One 4, OS X Yosemite.


I see, thanks bagelfish! :dog:
(I am not an experienced S1 user...)
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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As soon as you drag a track clip from S1 anywhere outside of the window or a file location it drops back in place.
Dropping the file to a location is not as efficient but it's not something that I do repeatedly or often.
Thanks for your hard work.


I can confirm that this workaround functions also on my installation. Thanks Bagelfish for the tip. However, since I also compose and record in S1 directly, being able to drag and drop between S1 and RC and vice versa is important for me.

I'm investigating if this has to do with S1 or possibly my Windows setting.

Thanks Bagelfish and Attila


bagelfish wrote: Fri Jan 04, 2019 1:40 pmThis file can be dropped onto RC and it recognises the notes. However dragging straight from S1 to RC does not work.
No, this does not work on Windows and macOS. On the other hand you cannot drop on an Explorer/Finder window or on Reaper, so I am wondering whether it should work at all. Probably S1 uses private data in its drag message. Please check if the drag operation works when dropping to Reaper. I am a bit confused.
Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
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I don't see how it could work as S1 drops the file if it is dragged outside the bounds of the S1 window. Maybe if it is important Belbeisi or I could try and contact Presonus.
Attila, I can provide a file if you need to check the contents.


The dragged data has only utf8 and utf16 plain text on macOS, just like the file that it drops on Finder. I don't think that MIDI data can be extracted from it.
If you can drop something on Reaper, you should be able to drop it on RapidComposer. If the latter does not work, that can be fixed. If the former fails, that is probably impossible to do ;)

Home of RapidComposer, Melodya, MIDI Mutator and Syne
Summer Sale - 40% off RapidComposer - June 3 to 18


I studied a bit the problem of dragging a midi file from the Digital Performer to RC ..
Directly it is impossible to do (Only drag and drop into the computer, then to RC. Why is this so? I do not know (
From RC to DP it is dragged perfectly !!) ((

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