New Wusik presets pack.....

Official support for:


dBuNuWavV9.rar - 16 presets fixed up and converted for Wusik V9....

Makes a total of 1442 presets available on the free page for Wusik V9.


:hyper: Txs again!! :hug:


Happy to do it, William... :D

I am working on one last file of presets, but it will probably only be V6/V7.

It uses the Wusik soundsets but also TSW, Vox'd, ManyStation and Fuel 3.

Right now there are 11 presets that use the Multi-set approach, and I discovered a folder of presets I made for TSW and also one for Vox'd that I am sorting through and fixing up.

As these are all old soundsets by now, I really do not know if anyone will be able to use them.


Final preset pack for a bit....

dnekmmultiset.rar - 93 presets that use multiple soundsets.

31 that use TSW, Vox'd, Manystation and Fuel 3.
31 that use only TSW.
31 that use only Vox'd.

I also split the Wusik presets into V6/V7 and V8/V9 sections.


Just browsing through archives and I have a folder of presets for Lost in the South Vol. 3 but cannot find the soundset anywhere. LITS1 and LITS2 are in the Wusik Sound Magazine folder, but not LITS 3....

Anyone still have a copy?


Tweaked and fixed up the EVE for Wusik DASH version. For Wusik V6/V7.

32 presets that use the DASH expansion soundsets for EVE
Soundsets Required:
Mini Moog (DASHSND)
Evalon (DASHSnd)

Also, found a copy of LITS V3. Those presets will be coming soon.


Added two files:

LITSVol3-dk - presets for V6/v7 that use LITS Vol 3
dbpreparedpiano-dk - presets for V6/V7 that use dB Prepared Piano.


Is LITS V3 available for download anywhere?
s a v e
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f l o w


I do not know. I know that I had it in my Wusik V6 install. It never seemed to make it into the V7 install. But I found the file in an incidental download folder when I was looking for something else. So I cannot say where it came from.....


If it helps at all, the file is dated 10/28/2011....


When WS8 was released in 2015, the Wusik Sound Magazine folder had LITS Vol 1 and 2, but not 3 (perhaps that was an oversight). I am on a Mac, so that was my first WS version.
s a v e
y o u r
f l o w


Added LITSVol3dkV9.rar....

William, I can provide you with the soundset....


Added EVEforWusikDASHV9.rar for Wusik V9 and the following DASH Soundsets:
Mini Moog (DASHSND)
Evalon (DASHSnd)

And the link for the presets above is finally fixed. :D


Added EVEHQSFS1r-dk - 51 presets that use the DASH HQS FS1r DASHSnd soundset for Wusik V6/V7....


I have spent the past month not working on anything to sell but on Wusik V6 through V9...

Over the past years, I have made many, many presets for the various incarnations of the Wusik Engine. I decided to bring back all that I could that would work across all versions of the instrument (V6 to V9)

Hopefully, this makes your music endeavours a bit easier.

It is still a work in progress....

I know it is early, but - happy holidays to everyone.

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