Super Site for Cubase SX Midi Timing Issues

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Truly excelent source of info for all you cubase sufferers.

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VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad


never had a single midi timing issue with VST or SX.


Seems that ASUS motherboards are the ones to have for Cubase SX.
Anonymity has it's benefits
VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad


I use Asus boards with Cubase and I suffer from horrendous timing issues. My last PC totally refused to perform midi out without going into this weird spasm! It was like drop out for audio... but with midi, and it was totally unworkable. My current PC is better but far from perfect, even with a Midex interface. When playing back single mono lines it will regularly stutter and skip notes. Midi is f**king shite, I much prefer to work with audio or VSTi's. The sooner top hardware manufacturers start knocking out VSTi's, the better as far as Im concerned.


PugFace wrote:Seems that ASUS motherboards are the ones to have for Cubase SX.
Yup, works great for me, even with a EMagic interface. :)

Simple music philosophy - Those who can, make music. Those who can't, make excuses.
Read my VST reviews at Traxmusic!


I had no MIDI timing problems (with VST or SX) with either of my last two daw motherboards (both of which were manufactured by Abit) even though one was using the "infamous" VIA KT133 chipset and both are "rev 1.0" motherboards.

It is an interesting article nonetheless, thanks. :D


It seems really that Steinberg did get it wrong with their implementation of MIDI in SX on XP. There are a lot of successful installations but equally far too many ones that do not function correctly. Everything else in Cubase SX i find very good. I thought that that SX2.2 had solved the problem for me but no it is still there only less apparent. Other packages do not have the problem. WHY?

The senior management at Steinberg should consider that their reputation is in disrepute. They really have to concider that this is a major flaw in their main product. Eventually with this kind of problem the Company will go bust. So the management at Steinberg should concider their own livelyhoods. They have to concider they have major competition in this field. It is forums like these that this becomes public knowledge. To be honest i don't know any studio engineer who does not go on this forum once in a while. So Steinberg your secret is out don't live on past success. I forecast that Steinberg will go bust within 5 years. I will never buy one of their products again.(after spending £10,000 on music kit in the last 10 years). Tara Steinberg.
Anonymity has it's benefits
VirusTIKB,Korg M50,Roland SH-201,RM1x,05R/W,ZeroSL,Sylenth,CubaseS4, GroveAgent3,Ableton Live8,Launchpad

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