DaHornet not working on my Mac PowerPC or Intel in LOGIC 7

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Hearing great things about DaHornet, but I am having trouble getting it to show up on either of my computers.

I am running Logic Pro 7 on both an Intel Macbook and my G5 Dual PowerPC

I have tried both the VST and AU. To be honest Im not the most computer literate so I could be missing something.
Usually to install a .component or .vst I just drag the file to the respective folder and drop, done deal. But it wont show up under AU Instruments on either computer. What am I missing here??

Please help, thanks in advance for any feedback.


for Mac with motorola CPU you can also try the old version from
http://www.dashsignature.com/download/d ... %5d.dmg.gz

the 2008 release which I send by donation surely works in Logic Pro 7.

Maybe some other users can help here


Im running OS-X 10.6.8 running Logic pro 9

I think its not working on Mac intels
If your plugin is a Synth-edit/synth-maker creation, Say So.
If not Make a Mac version of your Plugins Please.


...everyone is out to get me!!!!!!!

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