Preset randomizing question

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Hi there. I'm trying to locate an app, that has the feature of randomizing/morphing "presets" from different instruments/effects.

I recall it was something which is "in-the-works" for an upcoming 'update/revision'. Is this something you have plans for?



Shabdahbriah wrote:Hi there. I'm trying to locate an app, that has the feature of randomizing/morphing "presets" from different instruments/effects.
I'm not really sure how that would work. Are you just talking about being able to randomize across multiple plugins at once?
I recall it was something which is "in-the-works" for an upcoming 'update/revision'. Is this something you have plans for?
Not that I recall, but feel free to refresh my memory.


Thanks for the reply...
bradr wrote:I'm not really sure how that would work. Are you just talking about being able to randomize across multiple plugins at once?
I don't know how that would work either :shrug: but no, it was specifically stated to be using the parameteres of one instrument, to adjust (or "randomize") the parameters of another instrument.
bradr wrote:Not that I recall, but feel free to refresh my memory.
I apparently didn't manage to 'hot-link' the thread, or make any "copy/paste" notepad reminder, which is very uncharacteristic of me...but I did mention it (excitedly) to a few people when I read about it last week, who can't remember WHO (or what?) it was either, so I'm grabbing at straws.

I recall that it was a commment by a 'dev', which was stated almost as an "aside/in-passing/btw/fwiw" casual manner, "we're going to be adding this feature" in our "next release". Given that this "feature" is at least, wonderfully experimental, I can only surmise that I didn't make note of it, because the app in question is already on my "2-get" list, but in retracing my 'list' there are no references to such a feature on any dev 'sites'.

Thanks though. 8)


Just to get the concept right, Shabdahbriah-
you mean morphing/randomizing parameters between different vst that share the same parameters (e.g. pre-delay settings in reverbs)?

Or even group them to be able to lower one parameter in one vst by raising the same in another?

"There's a certain detail seen here."


Debby747 wrote:Just to get the concept right, Shabdahbriah-
you mean morphing/randomizing parameters between different vst that share the same parameters (e.g. pre-delay settings in reverbs)?

Or even group them to be able to lower one parameter in one vst by raising the same in another?

Yes (absolutely) to the first part, as my interest is in making adjustments, and preset-banks/sound-design for one instrument at-a-time, where-as the second part (if I understand you correctly) appears more complex, with two (or more) concurrent "instances" of two different instruments.

Regardless, the instruments/effects would have to have 'similar' (shared) capabilities/functions yes, e.g. OSC's, VCF's, "pre-delay settings in reverb", etc..

Though there would doubtless be a point of diminishing returns with certain "cross-breeding", what one "lacks" couldn't be 'affected'. Say one synth has 3-OSC's/2-VCF's, and another has only 2-OSC's/2-VCF's. The 3rd-OSC would simply be ignored (or unrecognized).

Using the latter (2 and 2) to affect the former (3 and 2) would only affect 2-osc's and 2-VCF's, not the 3rd-osc, which would not be "morphed/randomized".

But, were one to have several of any of the MOOG, or Prophet, or FM-7 (et al) emulations for example; they would have many similar features, though they have been implemented differently by their respective creators, and most likely have varying quantities (and qualities) of presets/banks available.

Yet, using the available "fxp/fxb" from one of them, could make some potentially cool (or really wacked) stuff happen to another one. Similarly with many/most "wavetable" or "vector" synths.

So, where there ARE intrinsically compatible elements; they could be "randomized/morphed" (affected) accordingly.

The "process" doesn't have to be an "exact-science" by its very nature.

Does that make sense?



Interesting stuff, though something that would require a reasonable amount of user config to bind different parameters from different plugins together.

Certainly beyond what Cantabile 2.0 will be capable of.


bradr wrote:Interesting stuff, though something that would require a reasonable amount of user config to bind different parameters from different plugins together.
Indeed... I'm thinking a nice x-y-z "matrix" :wink:

Thanks for your time, I'll shoot you a link if I manage to find it.




Are you sure that you don't want to abuse this feature because you miss controller automation?
Best regards, TiUser
...and keep on jamming...


TiUser wrote:...pffft.
Are you sure that you don't want to abuse this feature because you miss controller automation?
Yes, though I'm not "missing" anything. I have a rather extensive/complex "controller" set-up, and fair amount of outboard gear, with-which I run 4 networked DAWS. I don't use (and never have) "controller automation", or host/mixer/envelope (etc) "automation" of any kind actually (save that which may be an integral part of a given "device"), including "quantizing", or any number of other composing "features" of the myriad "hosts" I have.

My interests are mainly in "sound-design", "sampling", and "loops". Has been for well over 50 years. The more time I save in 'finding' and/or "generating" the original sound(s), though I thrive in the serendipituous nature of that "process", the more time I have to do what I REALLY enjoy MOST, which is "sampling/editing/looping/mixing" in SoundForge, WaveLab, and CEP.

I'm rather an old-school hands-on "analog-tape" mad-scientist-type, with regard to my "laboratory" of knobs and sliders 'style' of doing things.

"Presets" and preset generation (IMHO) are all, and only starting points for further exploration/experimentaion... so randomizing/morphing, and otherwise screwing-around with them, is simply a "fun" means-to-an-end... I like to have fun, while determining exactly what, and where I want things to be.



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