Seperate pdf Download?

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Hey Urs!

Dowloaded Zebra Beta last night, but now I'm at work,
(with my Windows 2000 and OS 9 work machines - Can't seem to mount a DMG). I'd like to get a copy of the Zebra manual that comes in the DMG download, so I can print it out here at work. (Where I print out all my pdf manuals with the nice laser printer here - as opposed to my slow crappy ink-jet at home) Is the PDF available somewhere else?

Image"You blow in this end of the trombone, and sound comes out the other end and disrupts the cosmos." Roswell Rudd Check out my music:


Doesn't seem to be a PDF, just the HTML page "about the X-Y" stuff. Will there a more complete "Quickstart" type manual soon?
Image"You blow in this end of the trombone, and sound comes out the other end and disrupts the cosmos." Roswell Rudd Check out my music:


Hi pbone,

hehe... I put all my time into development...

well, yes, there'll be a comprehensive manual. - The XY description was the most important thing, because it's quite the only concept in Zebra that has not an analogy commonly found in other synthesizers.

During alpha & beta testing has happened for almost 3 months, I intentionally left any documentation away, to get an insight into the biggest troubles that occur.

One of the bigger problems was the keyboard + mouse interaction, such as [ctrl]-click for Midi Learn. These are briefly described in the now empty Settings page.

Some other yet undocumented things:

[option]-click on Preset/Bank menues updates the listing

The "assign 1" and "assign 2" modulation sources correspond to Midi CCs 2 and 3, for high-resolution, smooth control. They had been settable in earlier versions (from the "Synthesis" page), but were banned to "Settings", where I havn't managed to set them up, yet.

[shift]-drag in the Spectral Wave draws an "alternative" spectrum for the first 31 harmonics. This is an "offset" spectrum for higher frequencies. With that, one gets kinda multisampling. If your spectrum sounds good in bass, but bad in treble, you can soup it up a bit to sound more interesting.

Playmodes "poly", "retrig(ger)" and "legato" are straight forward. "polytrig" (polyphonic retrigger) works like retrig, but polyphonic - held notes whose voices were stolen, get retriggered if other notes get released.

Voicing "single" is a simple one voice per note. In this case, the StereoSpread parameter distributes the sound in the stereo panorama by the key played.

Voicing "double" and "quad" use 2 / 4 voices per note (example: Quad + 8 voices = 2 notes polyphonic). In these modes, StereoSpread distributes the used voices in the stereo panorama.

The delay's Drive parameter: Adds distortion on feedback. - the feedback itself is tamed by a compressor/limiter, and the drive achieves a crunchy saturation effect. It perceivably adds feedback.

I'm sure there's a lot of more stuff that deserves in-depth description.

Please don't hesitate to post questions / critics here.

I'll try to get stuff done as fast as possible.


;) Urs

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