Thinking about a live setup...

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After spending way too much time locked up in my home, twiddling knobs in Cubase, I'm thinking of takin' it out on the street, as it were. I might team up with a like-minded person and put together a live set in a few months time.

This is the idea I have:
I want to use pre-made loops, definitely for the beats, and probably for some bass/pads/synths. I want to acompany this by playing some stuff live, on guitar (tempo synced fx, yay!), bass, synths, whatever else I can get my hands on and "play" in a fashion. It would be nice to be able to use a few VST's there.

So I'm going to need a multitrack looper, pref. with decent timestretching and MIDI-control. My first guess would be Ableton Live, but before I fork over € 400-something, I gotta be sure that Live is the only tool I should be using for this job.
Second, I'd like to use a VST host, preferably on a second laptop. I'm quite familiar with Cubase. I like it, but it has gone down on me too often for my liking to trust it in a live-situation.

Anybody got any experience with whis kind of gigging and willing to share, or somebody got some advice, please tell me :)

Tnx in advance...
I am Godzilla! You ara Japan!


I use Orion on my gig weekends; works like a champ. Of course, it's only hosting my vst' I'm not pushing it


There's a handy new feature in the current ORION beta that might be of interest, if you're not in a hurry.
NOVAkILL : Asus RoG Flow Z13, Core i9, 16GB RAM, Win11 | EVO 16 | Studio One | bx_oberhausen, GR-8, JP6K, Union, Hexeract, Olga, TRK-01, SEM, BA-1, Thorn, Prestige, Spire, Legend-HZ, ANA-2, VG Iron 2 | Uno Pro, Rocket.


Live is a great tool indeed, I'll not say is the "ultimate", because you can do music with so many different things, but if you want to work using pre made loops Live is the choice.

Live can work as you central music arrangement instrument and use hardware gear of rewired apps aswell.

One reccomendation though, if you plan to play some virtual instruemtns while mixing on Live I'd better start buying lots of RAM and loading all audio clips to it, because HD access makes all a more glitchy.


I don't know Live, but for the other computer I suggest eXt as a host.

Allows you to pre-setup complex routings and all ;)

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