PAD synthesis random generator for Python

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Writes a number (default is 10) of randomly generated PAD synth waveforms into the folder where it is executed. Format is 16bit unsigned int, Raw. Output length should be a power of two, as is demonstrated in the script. Requires the numpy module.

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Code: Select all

# PAD Synthesis for python
# From a description by Paul Nasca
# By Rock Hardbuns, 2007
# Released to the Public Domain by the author.

import os, sys, math, struct
from numpy import *

# Length of the output sample
WaveNumSamples = int(math.pow(2, 15)) #useful range: 14 - 18

# PAD export config
SampleRate = 44100.0
F = 172.0
variations = 10    #the number of waves generated
outFilePrefix = "PadWave_"

# Set up export for unsigned short int
sampleFormat = 'H'
uIntMaxVal = 65535


#take an array of floats(0-1) and convert to unsigned ints
#and write to a raw binary file
def writeArrayRaw(N, outArray, filename, sampleFormat, uIntMaxVal):
	outFile = open(filename, 'wb')
	for i in range(N):
		binInt = struct.pack(sampleFormat, int( outArray[i] * uIntMaxVal ))

	print 'Wrote sample ', filename

# For the PAD algo. 
# Gives the shape of the harmonic
def profile(fi, bwi):
	x = float(fi / bwi)
	return (math.exp(-x*x) / bwi)

# Normalize
def normalize(Array):
	daMax = Array.max()
	if math.fabs(Array.min()) > daMax:
		daMax = math.fabs(Array.min())
	if daMax < 1e-5:
		daMax = 1e-5
	factor = (daMax * 1.4142)
	Array = Array / factor  
	Array = Array * 0.5 ##move to 0-1 range
	Array = Array + 0.5
	return Array

""" <-- Block Commented

# write testone ******
A  = 2.0 * math.sin(math.pi * 0.0019501133786848073) # 86Hz -> 512 sample length at 44100
s1 = 0.4
s2 = 0.0

index = 0
for index in range(WaveNumSamples):
	s1 = s1 - A * s2
	s2 = s2 + A * s1
	outArray[index] = s1 + 0.5

writeArrayRaw(WaveNumSamples, outArray, 'sin_u16.raw', sampleFormat, uIntMaxVal)

""" #end block comment

#write PAD synthesized samples ******

for iter in range(variations):
	print 'Started variation ', iter + 1, ' of ', variations

	#Bandwidth of first harmonic, random in the range 10-70
	BW = 10.0 + 60.0 * random.ranf()

	#Bandwidth scaling factor 
	#(lower than 1 means a "cleaner" tone, above more HF fuzz)
	BWScale = 1.0

	# Number of Harmonics
	# random selection between 8, 16, 32 or 64 harmonics, 
	# with 64 being only half as likely as the others
	X = int(random.ranf() * 3.5) + 3
	NumHarm = int(math.pow(2, X))

	# Harmonics Table generation
	# Low volume harmonic noise + some dominant harmonics
	HarmAmpTbl = random.rand(NumHarm) #fill with random floats
	HarmAmpTbl *= 0.2 		  #reduce amp
	for i in range( int(NumHarm * random.ranf()) ): #Emphasize a random number of harms
		HarmAmpTbl[int(NumHarm * random.ranf())] = 1.0 - (random.ranf() * random.ranf())

	#make work arrays
	freq_amp = zeros(WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1)
	freq_complex = zeros(WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1 , dtype=complex64 )
	#Paul Nascas PAD Algo
	for nh in range(1,NumHarm):
		bw_Hz=  ( pow( 2.0 , BW / 1200.0) - 1.0 ) * F * pow( nh, BWScale )
		bwi = float(bw_Hz / (2.0 * SampleRate))
		fi =  float(F * nh / SampleRate)
		for i in range(0, WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1 ):
			hprofile = profile((float(i) / float(WaveNumSamples))- fi, bwi)
			freq_amp[i] = freq_amp[i] + hprofile * HarmAmpTbl[nh]
	for i in range(0, WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1):
		phase = random.ranf() * 2.0 * math.pi
		freq_complex[i] =  complex(freq_amp[i] * math.cos(phase), freq_amp[i] * math.sin(phase))
	outArray = fft.irfft(freq_complex, WaveNumSamples)
	outArray = normalize(outArray)
	filename = outFilePrefix + str(iter + 1) + '.raw'
	writeArrayRaw(WaveNumSamples, outArray, filename, sampleFormat, uIntMaxVal)

print 'All Done'


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Python 3 port (tested on 3.6). Also favors wav instead of raw.

Code: Select all (#)

# PAD Synthesis for python
# From a description by Paul Nasca
# By Rock Hardbuns, 2007
# Released to the Public Domain by the author.

import struct, sys
from numpy import *
import wave

# Length of the output sample
WaveNumSamples = int(math.pow(2, 15))  # useful range: 14 - 18

# PAD export config
SampleRate = 44100
F = 172
variations = 10  # the number of waves generated
outFilePrefix = "PadWave_"


# take an array of floats(0-1) and convert to unsigned ints
# and write to a raw binary file
def write_array_wav(N, outArray, filename):
    outFile =, 'wb')
    outFile.setparams((1, 2, SampleRate, None, 'NONE', 'noncompressed'))

    for i in range(N):
        outArray[i] = int(outArray[i] * 32767)
        data = struct.pack('<h', int(outArray[i]))

    print('Wrote sample ', filename)


# For the PAD algo. 
# Gives the shape of the harmonic
def profile(fi, bwi):
    x = float(fi / bwi)
    return (math.exp(-x * x) / bwi)


# Normalize
def normalize(signal_array):
    daMax = signal_array.max()
    if math.fabs(signal_array.min()) > daMax:
        daMax = math.fabs(signal_array.min())

    if daMax < 1e-5:
        daMax = 1e-5

    factor = (daMax * 1.4142)
    signal_array = signal_array / factor
    return signal_array


# write PAD synthesized samples ******

for iter in range(variations):
    print('Started variation ', iter + 1, ' of ', variations)

    # Bandwidth of first harmonic, random in the range 10-70
    BW = 10.0 + 60.0 * random.ranf()

    # Bandwidth scaling factor
    # (lower than 1 means a "cleaner" tone, above more HF fuzz)
    BWScale = 1.0

    # Number of Harmonics
    # random selection between 8, 16, 32 or 64 harmonics,
    # with 64 being only half as likely as the others
    X = int(random.ranf() * 3.5) + 3
    NumHarm = int(math.pow(2, X))

    # Harmonics Table generation
    # Low volume harmonic noise + some dominant harmonics
    HarmAmpTbl = random.rand(NumHarm)  # fill with random floats
    HarmAmpTbl *= 0.2  # reduce amp

    for i in range(int(NumHarm * random.ranf())):  # Emphasize a random number of harms
        HarmAmpTbl[int(NumHarm * random.ranf())] = 1.0 - (random.ranf() * random.ranf())

    # make work arrays
    freq_amp = zeros(int(WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1))
    freq_complex = zeros(int(WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1), dtype=complex64)

    # Paul Nascas PAD Algo
    for nh in range(1, NumHarm):
        bw_Hz = (pow(2.0, BW / 1200.0) - 1.0) * F * pow(nh, BWScale)
        bwi = float(bw_Hz / (2.0 * SampleRate))
        fi = float(F * nh / SampleRate)

        for i in range(0, int(WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1)):
            hprofile = profile((float(i) / float(WaveNumSamples)) - fi, bwi)
            freq_amp[i] = freq_amp[i] + hprofile * HarmAmpTbl[nh]

    for i in range(0, int(WaveNumSamples / 2 - 1)):
        phase = random.ranf() * 2.0 * math.pi
        freq_complex[i] = complex(freq_amp[i] * math.cos(phase), freq_amp[i] * math.sin(phase))

    outArray = fft.irfft(freq_complex, WaveNumSamples)
    outArray = normalize(outArray)
    filename = outFilePrefix + str(iter + 1) + '.wav'
    write_array_wav(WaveNumSamples, outArray, filename)

print('All Done')


Thanks for this implementation. I am trying to understand this algo. Are the generated wav files supposed to be playable?


odyssey wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 1:08 pm I am trying to understand this algo.
Then better read >this<
odyssey wrote: Tue Aug 06, 2019 1:08 pmAre the generated wav files supposed to be playable?
See for instance the PadSynth in Caustic3 for a real-world implementation that's easy to try out.
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