Newbie question about authorizations on a new computer.

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Hi there!

Even though I am a seasoned user of many tools, I am new to Best Services politics regarding the number of installations allowed, which are likely to be related to different practices from different software editors. I've bought Heavier7Strings yesterday night and I've downloaded it. Not installed yet... My current setup is on its last miles and I will get a new one built as soon as my last work is finished, in a week or so. I'd like to use my new VST in this project but I am afraid of burning an authorization or to get in troubles with BS or TB when reinstalling in the upcoming new setup. I've not seen anything on the Three Body website about their politics on this matter and my user accounts on both sites do not give a clue (unless I missed something, which is almost sure...). Someone can point me to the relevant links?



I'm not personally familiar, but the Heavier7Strings manual says the following on Page 55:

How many computers could one serial number activate?

Each serial number could activate Heavier7Strings on three different computers. Currently we do not provide a tool for deactivation yet. If you need deactivate one of your computer, please contact us at:


Thanks... Like I said, I just downloaded the data but failed to read the documentation... My point was effectively the lack of info about deactivation and Three-Body Tech Forums are almost unused currently. This answer my concern, though, and I suppose that I will be able to manage my licences in a near future. Well, I hope so... :)

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